英:['θre?h??ld] 美:[?θr???old, -?hold]
英: 美:
n.門檻, 開端, 界限, 入口
動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: threshing |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): threshes |動詞過去分詞: threshed |動詞過去式: threshed |
on the threshold of
1. 在……的開端
Scientists are now on the threshold of a better understanding of how the human brain works.
1 、A romantic groom will carry his bride over the threshold of their new house.───喜歡浪漫的新郎會抱著新娘跨過新家的門檻。
2 、He stretched himself on her threshold and uttered his complaints to the cruel bolts and bars.───他匍伏在她門檻上對著冷酷無情的**銷門栓傾訴哀怨。
3 、He had never crossed the threshold of a bar before.───他過去從未進過酒吧的門。
4 、And it was discussed how to choose the threshold value of correlation.───同時討論了關(guān)聯(lián)門限取值等問題。
5 、She has a very low threshold of pain .───她的痛覺門檻非常低。
6 、He was on the threshold of his career.───他的事業(yè)剛剛起步。
7 、They are at the threshold of a new career.───他們正要開始干一番新的事業(yè)。
8 、It exist "Back-skipping" phenomenon in the measure the auditory threshold.───聽覺閾限的測量中存在著“回視”現(xiàn)象。
9 、The low threshold dog reacts to nearly everything and often overreacts.───低閾值的犬差不多對一切作出反應(yīng),通常還是過度反應(yīng)。
10 、He was on the threshold of an important discovery.───他即將有一個重要的發(fā)現(xiàn)。
11 、A fault threshold expressed in terms of the number of faults in a prescribed period of time.───以“在規(guī)定的時間間隔內(nèi)出現(xiàn)的”故障次數(shù)來表示的一種故障閥值。
12 、He's not gonna pass the m'naghten threshold.─── 他是無法借南頓規(guī)則脫罪的
13 、You are right on the threshold, son.─── 你只需要跨過這道坎 兒子
14 、And their market share falls below the threshold.─── 而市場份額也會降至臨界值以下
15 、He has a very high pain threshold.───他的痛點很高。
16 、And water, in a bowl, at the threshold.─── 還要水 放在碗里 放在門檻那
17 、The threshold value of CFT was 0.20nmol/L.───CFT的界限值是0.20nmol/L。
18 、He is on the threshold of success.───他即將成功。
19 、A user hit their quota threshold on volume %2.───一個用戶已達到卷%2上的配額閾值。
20 、The threshold was foursquare, and the face of the sanctuary, sight to sight.───圣所的門框是方的。在至圣所前面,有一座看似木頭的祭壇:
21 、He has the smallest threshold for pain.───他一點疼也受不了。
22 、Only set cost threshold for parallelism on symmetric multiprocessors.───只能在對稱多處理器系統(tǒng)上設(shè)置cost threshold for parallelism。
23 、Paradoxically, Athens was on the threshold of her "age of despotism".───但與這種民主精神相悖的是,此時的雅典在向“專制統(tǒng)治時代”邁進。
24 、In that case, I... I know a threshold.─── 既然這樣 我知道一個入口
25 、An amazing transformation happened as they crossed the threshold.───發(fā)生驚人的轉(zhuǎn)變,他們越過了門檻。
26 、STV───STV
27 、In Turgenev's poem “The Threshold”, a young woman stands before a door.───在屠格涅夫的詩“門檻”中,一個年輕人站在門前。
28 、Threshold was associated negatively with looking for mothers'comfort and help.───反應(yīng)閾限與尋求母親安慰與幫助負相關(guān)顯著。
29 、To check this, we turn down the threshold level.───為了檢驗這一點,我們把閥值調(diào)低。
30 、You are just on the threshold of life.───你不過剛踏上人生的道路。
31 、A threshold signature scheme based on the bilinear mapping tool was proposed.───使用雙線性映射工具,提出基于雙線性對的門限簽名方案。
32 、The 21st century is drawing close,and mankind is at the threshold to a new millennium.───二十一世紀(jì)正向我們走來,人類正處在世紀(jì)之交的歷史時期。
33 、The threshold between your past and your future.─── 你的過去和未來之間的紐帶
34 、On the threshold he paused a moment, feeling for his latch-key.───他在大門口站定,摸找鑰匙。
35 、Her shadow had faded across the threshold.───她的身影跨過門檻消逝了;
36 、JEDEC ? The input threshold voltage when the input voltage is falling.───在輸入電壓下降時的輸入門限電壓。
37 、The parameter is compared to a threshold.───參數(shù)和門檻進行比較(對比)?
38 、However, for most people in Beijing drifter, the threshold is still high.───但是,對于在北京漂泊的大多數(shù)人而言,這個門檻依然很高。
39 、Short of that threshold, Egypt was free to consult its own interests.───只要不邁這一步,埃及可以自由地考慮自己的利益。
40 、The selection of threshold will affect the quality of the reconstruction image.───其中閾值選取關(guān)系到圖像重建的精確度。
41 、VTL? Variable Threshold Logic?───可變閾值邏輯(電路)?
42 、He backed into his doorway, determined not to let Jack cross the threshold.───他退回到門口,下定決心不讓杰克跨過門檻。
43 、He was graduated last year and now is on the threshold of his career.───他去年剛剛畢業(yè),現(xiàn)在正是事業(yè)的起步階段。
44 、In an air-conditioned laboratory precise adjustment of the threshold strain can be achieved quite easily.───在裝有空調(diào)設(shè)備的實驗室里,準(zhǔn)確地調(diào)節(jié)閾值應(yīng)變是很容易做到的。
45 、Uther the Lightbringer: You've just crossed a terrible threshold, Arthas.───烏瑟爾光明使者:你剛剛踏過一個危險的門檻,阿爾賽斯.
46 、He was brought up sharp by the sight at the threshold.───他一見這景象便在門檻處驀地收住腳步。
47 、He was at the threshold of his career.───他的事業(yè)才開始。
48 、The court is not legally justified in stoppingat the threshold of the case.───一開始就使案件停止不前,法院這樣做是完全不合法的。
49 、You, are right in the threshold, son.─── 只要你能跨過這道門檻 孩子
50 、You breached my threshold and threatened me.─── 你突破了底線 還威脅了我
51 、She stood hesitating on the threshold.───她站在門口,猶豫不決。
52 、They are on the threshold of adulthood.───他們即將進入成年期。
53 、Clears the threshold value for a specified category.───為指定類別清除閾值。
54 、Sorting mail is not a job for people with a low boredom threshold.───分揀郵件不適合那些不太能忍受乏味工作的人。
55 、We can quantize the result of last step by a threshold,and then ge...───再將壓縮后信號進行閾值量化編碼 ,就可以得到更高質(zhì)量和壓縮比的圖像。
56 、Conveniently, Epidaurus's threshold is about 500 hertz.───在埃皮達魯斯,這種極限頻率恰好是500赫茲。
57 、Often,his doorbell would ring,and there on his threshold would stand someone who had come to ask for a donation.───他的門鈴響起時,門外總會站著請求募捐的人。
58 、The threshold required scales linearly on the level of the pet.───初始值會隨著寵物級別變化而線性變化。
59 、I should be sorry to ask you to cross the threshold,for my convenience,on such a night,I cried.───在這樣一個晚上,為了我的方便就是請您邁出這個門檻,那我也于心不忍??!
60 、Crossing the threshold, I was taken aback by the mess in the house.───一踏進門檻,屋子里的混亂景象使我吃了一驚。
61 、A picture processing crossing the threshold good book!───圖像處理入門者的一本好書!
62 、The lower curve marks the exclusion threshold for data pairs.───下部曲線標(biāo)志出對數(shù)據(jù)對的排除域。
63 、Really? I thought that was the threshold.─── 是嗎 我還以為那就是極限了
64 、To cross the threshold is not difficult, but mastery is another question.───入門不難,深造不易。
65 、Intermediary services should shift to" accompany the purchase of lawyers" could reduce the" threshold"?───中介服務(wù)要轉(zhuǎn)向“律師陪購”可否降低“門檻”?
66 、Choose an alert threshold under Alert if no restore occurs within.───在“在以下時間內(nèi)沒有執(zhí)行還原時報警”下選擇警報閾值。
67 、He is on the threshold of adulthood.───他即將 [就要] 成為大人。
68 、I made it to the threshold there when he got hit.─── 我跑到門口 他就中**了
69 、Also, new data with values under this threshold will not be shown.───另外,具有此閾值下的值的新數(shù)據(jù)不會顯示。
70 、You can view threshold violations on the graph.───可以在關(guān)系圖上查看閾值沖突。
71 、In a flash, namely 5.1 seconds, the sportscar reaches the 100 km/h threshold.───剎那間,即5.1秒,在跑車達到100公里/小時的門檻。
72 、The pain threshold was not influenced by microinjection of lidocaine into NRM or RN.───單獨用利多卡因阻斷雙側(cè)紅核或中縫大核對痛閾無影響。
73 、He has a low boredom threshold(= he gets bored easily).───他極易感到乏味。
74 、Draw ye nearer and nearer unto the threshold of oneness.───你們要不斷靠近唯一者的門檻。”
75 、Both the dual and complement of such functions are also threshold function.───一個閾函數(shù)的對偶函數(shù)及反函數(shù)也是一個閾函數(shù)。
76 、He paused upon the threshold to survey the room.───他在門檻前停了停把室內(nèi)打量了一下。
77 、Figure 19-10: This spool-shaped drag threshold allowed a bias towards horizontal dragging in a client’s program.───圖19-12 在這個軟件中,線軸形的拖動閥在水平上允許偏差。
78 、Four can open normally, doorframe, threshold and so on not any distortion.───四門均能正常開啟,門框、門檻等沒有任何變形。
79 、The court is not legally justified in stopping at the threshold of the case.───一開始就使案件停止不前,法院這樣做是完全不合法的。
80 、The threshold for pain,tissue damage,and potential hearing loss in humans is 120 decibels.───120分貝是人類感到痛苦、組織受損、造成潛在的聽力喪失的下限。
81 、A low threshold for airway intubation should be maintained (Grade 2B).───低閾值的氣管**管應(yīng)該維護(級別2B)。
82 、He stepped across the threshold.───他邁過門檻。
83 、The threshold for voting was also set in order to improve the reliability.───為了提高系統(tǒng)的可靠性,在實驗中還分析了表決閾值的選取。
84 、Short threshold for the job.───作業(yè)的短閾值。
85 、A TLU learns by changing its weights and threshold.───TLU通過改變它的權(quán)系數(shù)和閾值來學(xué)習(xí)。
86 、The threshold temperature is dependent on the magnetic field.───使糾纏消失的閾值溫度也受到磁場的影響。
87 、She was transfixed upon the threshold by a spectacle which held her there.───她被一個場面懾住僵在門檻上不會動了。
88 、PFC believes Iran's price threshold to be similar to Saudi Arabia's.───PFC認為,伊朗所需要的油價水平和沙特阿拉伯差不多。
89 、The sound was so loud it was on the threshold of pain.───聲音大得開始使人無法忍受。
90 、The tax threshold for a single pensioner is 450 dollars.───單身養(yǎng)老金領(lǐng)取者的征稅起點是450美元。