
發(fā)布時間:2024-12-02 21:10:01



英:[?met?'f?z?kl]  美:[?met?'f?z?kl]

英:  美:



adj.形而上學的, 抽象的



副詞: metaphysically |


1 、Argentinian writer particularly known for his short stories, which have a metaphysical, fantastic quality.───博格斯,若熱·路易斯1899-1986阿根廷作家,以其深奧和富于想象力的短篇**而尤為著名

2 、Neither had had previous interest in or experience with the metaphysical and were quite unprepared for Seths breakthrough introduction of himself.───兩個人之前對超自然事物既無興趣也無經驗,并對賽斯突如其來的自我介紹毫無準備。

3 、The metaphysical world outlook sees things as isolated, static and one-sided .───形而上學宇宙觀用孤立的、靜止的和片面的觀點去看世界。

4 、This, as best we can tell, is a metaphysical engine.─── 我們現(xiàn)在只知道這是一個超自然引擎

5 、Lanting poem was a transitional and transformative poem from Metaphysical poem to Mountains-Rivers poem and played a special role in Chinas literary history.───蘭亭詩是玄言詩向山水詩過渡中的一種變體玄言詩,在文學發(fā)展史上具有一定地位和作用。

6 、He was concerned not with formulating a coherent metaphysical system, but with the elaboration and interpretation of verses of scripture from the Torah, often in the form of obscure mystical allegorizations.───他不以連貫的純粹哲學系統(tǒng)來參與,而是詳盡地解釋律法里的手稿詩句,時常采用朦朧的神秘寓言化的形式。

7 、The Spiderwick of the chronicles is Arthur, a metaphysical explorer who, 80 years ago, discovered how to see into the supernatural world.───奇幻精靈歷險記講述了一個超自然的探險家亞瑟,在80年前發(fā)現(xiàn)了如何調查超自然世界的故事。

8 、A "time theme" is always implied in the metaphysical connotation layer of Chekhov's psychological works.───在契訶夫抒情心理作品的形而上意蘊層里 ,幾乎都隱含著一個“時間主題”。

9 、Ancient philosophers sometimes discussed abstract, metaphysical questions, but usually ancient philosophers stayed close to life, tried to understand the world, and advised people how to live well.───古代哲學家有時探討抽象的、形而上的問題,但他們一般都不脫離生活,他們試圖理解世界,他們教導人們如何生活。

10 、Controlled by the spirit of reason, clothes in both China and the West have gradually abandoned this metaphysical load, and turned to the scientific and functionalist exploration.───在理性精神的支配下,西方與中國的現(xiàn)代服飾漸漸拋棄了這種形而上的負累,轉向了科學主義、功能主義的探索。

11 、Not to get metaphysical or anything, but I had an inspiration.─── 不是形而上學之類的 但是我靈光一現(xiàn)

12 、He rejected metaphysics as meaningless because metaphysical statements cannot be proved or disproved by experience.───他否定形上學,認為形上學沒有意義,因為形上述句是不能被經驗證實或否證的。

13 、In this work,Nietzsche explores the birth,decline,and rebirth of tragedy and expresses his view on tragedy,which includes the metaphysical nature and Dionysus wisdom of art.───同時,尼采闡發(fā)了他的悲劇觀,其中包括藝術的形而上學性質和酒神智慧,尼采的悲劇觀其實是一種生存論。

14 、Dwight: It's a statement about mans tautological search for metaphysical comfort.───德懷特:它講述的是人們反反復復尋求一種超自然的安逸。

15 、Late in his philosophical study, Wittgenstein reflectes on and criticizes the traditional metaphysical theory thoroughly.───在后期哲學研究中,維特根斯坦對傳統(tǒng)的形而上學思想進行了徹底的反思和清算。

16 、We should adopt a dialectical, not a metaphysical, approach towards him.───對他們要采取辯證的方法,而不應采取形而上學的方法。

17 、Math in ancient Greece provided such a key matrix to form a metaphysical tradition in the West, through Pythagoras to Parmenides, Plato, and finally to Aristotle.───古希臘的數(shù)學是形成西方形而上學傳統(tǒng)的關鍵機制,通過華達哥拉斯而直接影響到巴門尼德和柏拉圖,再傳至亞里士多德。

18 、We didn't come this far to get dinged by some metaphysical technicality.─── ?òJ@? ??v@ЩgZ

19 、Not least, the metaphysical semblance of the chaos at the heart of civilization.─── 隱晦的掩飾著你對文明本質上是混亂的看法

20 、It is Wang Yangming's metaphysical summary and improvement of the connotat on on the basis of the conceptional structure of "mind".───它是王陽明在“心”的概念建構基礎上,對其內涵進行的形上概括與提升。

21 、Religion including the metaphysical movement and its worship of the false gods has become the main modality that real ascension has become disempowered upon the physical plane.───宗教包括形而上學的運動,它對虛假神的膜拜已成為其主要的特征形式,而真正的提升已在物理層上失去力量。

22 、But confined in the metaphysical paradigm, the nature of critique of dialectics is suffocacated.───但在形而上學思維范式中,辯證法的批判本性被窒息了。

23 、The metaphysical value is both linked with the transcendence and related to the present world.───價值世界既是超驗的,又與現(xiàn)實世界相關涉。

24 、It's a metaphysical riddle about unperceived existence.─── 一個形而上學的謎語 關于未被察覺的存在

25 、So, we couldn't simply make the intellectuality thinking equal to the metaphysical thinking mode.───因此,不能簡單地把知性思維與形而上學的思維方式劃上等號。

26 、Derrida thinks that the metaphysical phonocentrism is the philosophy inherent about sci-entificity.───德里達認為語音中心主義的形而上學就是關于學術之科學性的固有的哲學。

27 、In this manner, the Metaphysical Hypothesis is analogous to a physical hypotheses, such as one involving quantum mechanics.───在這種方式下,形而上學假說類似于物理假說,比如一個涉及到的量子力學的假說。

28 、All that fills the scales are two drops of light (how fitting that one of Vermeer's most metaphysical paintings should involve weighing light).───天平盤里只有兩點光(弗米爾的最抽象的繪畫作品之一涉及稱光的重量是再合適不過了)。

29 、Once it is clear that we can explain their origin without positing a metaphysical world, he expects the interest in such a world to die out.───一旦它被清除,我們就能夠解釋他們的起源而無須假定一個形而上學世界,他期待對于這樣一個世界的興趣將會漸漸止息。

30 、Architecture is deeply engaged in the metaphysical questions of the self and the world, interiority and exteriority, time and duration, life and death.───建筑以及其他所有藝術,究其本質都是迎面并表達人類在時間與空間中的存在問題。

31 、These are typical metaphysical questions: What is mind?───下面這些是典型的形而上學問題:精神是什么?

32 、Mexican writer known for his metaphysical short stories and novels about his homeland, notably The Death of Artemio Cruz(1962).───富恩特斯,卡洛斯生于1928墨西哥作家,以其有關其家鄉(xiāng)的抽象主義**和短篇**而著名,其中突出的有阿爾特米奧·克魯斯之死(1962年)

33 、Other caregivers went further. They said that as they watched the door close on their loved one's physical identity, a door to the metaphysical slowly opened.───其它的照顧者們更進一步。他們說,當他們看見自己所愛的人的有形身份之門被關上,另一扇形而上學之門慢慢打開。

34 、During this process, the metaphysical faith of these scientists substantially helps promote the growth of science.───就其本質來說,近代自然科學家的形而上學信念推動了自然科學的發(fā)展。

35 、Chang Chun-mai’s perspective was ontological or metaphysical while that of Chang Tung-sun epistemological.───后者是比較謹慎的態(tài)度,但卻得出一樣深遠的結果。

36 、There appears to be so much confusion in the current metaphysical movement about ascension and ascended masters.───在目前關于提升和提升大師的超自然運動中出現(xiàn)了相當多的混亂。

37 、If only we are free to try, we don't have to claim also to be free to try to try, or look for an ultimate footing in some prime metaphysical indeterminate to commit ourselves responsibly.───只要我們擁有嘗試的自由,我們就不必要求也有試圖去嘗試一下的自由,或者在某一基本的形而上學的未定因素中去尋找最終立腳點,以便使自己承擔責任。

38 、A philosophical research into science should not only deal with positive levels of science, but also touch upon metaphysical levels of science, especially the life of science.───對科學的哲學研究不僅應當涉及科學的形而下層面,而且還應當觸及科學的形而上層面,特別是科學的生命。

39 、Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham on rye.─── 或許他們能給你做個形而上的黑面包火腿三明治

40 、The anatta teaching it is not meant as a metaphysical assertion, but as an approach for gaining release from suffering.───實際上,佛教既不贊成“我有自我”的超自然的論斷,也不贊成“我沒有自我”的使人甘愿受苦的觀點。

41 、Since then, the business is managed at metaphysical level, and the competition is repositioned from initial quantity growth to the current quality improvement.───因此企業(yè)的競爭必須提升至形而上的競爭,以質的競爭取代量的競爭。

42 、The Platonism once was the rage in the 19th century and had branded "Metaphysical Love" into the Andersen's love view.───在19世紀,“柏拉圖哲學”曾風靡一時,安徒生的愛情觀就深深地打上了被伏爾泰稱為“形而上學愛情”的柏拉圖思想的烙印。

43 、However, critical questioning itself does not stand alone, it is regulated by the metaphysical concept concerned.───但批評的提問本身卻并不獨立自足,相關的形而上學理念是其背后的規(guī)約者。

44 、Traditional ideas of the metaphysical ontology are rejected by the scientific and logical positivists like Comte but accepted by critical rationalists represented by Popper.───傳統(tǒng)的思辨的形而上學本體論受到孔德科學實證主義和后來邏輯實證主義的拒斥 ,但波普的批判理性主義不排斥它。

45 、In fact, it is almost a requirement of developmental biology that these years be spent in romantic fancies, metaphysical inquiries, and arguments on universal peace and justice.───事實上,根據(jù)發(fā)展生理學的要求,這段時間應該花在浪漫的幻想,形而上的追問,對全世界和平與公正的辯論上。

46 、The architect is transcending metaphysical limits while pushing up against physical limits, the combination of the mental and physical pushing the design to greater heights.───建筑師對抗物理極限時,也正翻越想象的極限,精神和物質的結合使得設計達到了更高的高度。

47 、The bent of his mind was at all times much to metaphysical theology.───他一向對玄奧的神學理論很感興趣(有癖好)。

48 、Qu Yuan, with his posture upon the river, annotated fatuity and wisdom, hell and heaven, the physical current and the metaphysical eternity.───屈原,以他臨江的姿勢,注釋了愚昧與智慧,地獄與天堂,形而下的此刻和形而上的永恒。

49 、The concept of justice was likewise stripped of its metaphysical attributes.───同樣,人們還剝去了正義概念超自然的靈光。

50 、However, such criticism should not be dogmatic, and the metaphysical method should not be used, but instead the effort should be made to apply the dialectical method.───但是這種批評不應當是教條主義的,不應當用形而上學方法,應當力求用辯證方法。

51 、To think that he cannot is being metaphysical.───如果承認一個人是不可加以分析的,就是形而上學。

52 、They hoped to save philosophy from metaphysical idealism, but also to save moral and religious ideals from empiricist or positivist scepticism.───他們希望把哲學從形而上學的唯心主義那里拯救出來,也希望把道德和宗教理想從經驗主義者或實證主義者的懷疑論中拯救出來。

53 、It leaves open basic metaphysical commitments and takes a plural and tolerant view of religious life.───它開啟基本的形而上學承諾并且對宗教生活采納更為多元和寬容的觀點。

54 、A metaphysical construct called "The Company" is the only thing standing between the two.───一種被稱為“企業(yè)”的形而上學構造,是唯一擋在二者之間的組織。

55 、Although the Vaishesika system developed independently from the Nyaya, the two eventually merged because of their closely related metaphysical theories.───盡管勝論派體系是從正理派獨立地發(fā)展起來,由于它們都接近形而上學的學說,最終兩者都合并起來。

56 、If that is so, it is no good trying to undercut a successful explanatory practice by appeals to metaphysical qualms about the nature of causation.───“原因”正是我們在對客體的行為進行成功解釋時所訴諸的東西。

57 、Troubles and other realities took on themselves a metaphysical impalpability .───一切麻煩和所有現(xiàn)實都一變而為玄妙空幻、無從捉摸的東西。

58 、Metaphysically speaking, you and?I are intrinsically and inexplicably linked.─── 從哲學角度來說 我和你在本質上有著解釋不清的關系

59 、Over the next five or six years, he went through notebook after notebook, including one in which he began to pose metaphysical questions arising from his research.───五六年過去,他用完了一個又一個筆記本,其中在一個筆記中他開始提出從其研究中出現(xiàn)的一些形而上學問題。

60 、That and a certain talent for combining biochemistry and metaphysics.─── 此外 我還有把生物化學與形而上學結合起來的才能

61 、Actually, Popper should be an inner realist according to semantics, but he insistedon the prior dogmas of metaphysical realism.───實際上,從波普爾確認的哲學前提出發(fā),語義學要求他應該是內部實在論者,而形而上學實在論卻是他所信奉的先驗教條。

62 、THE practice of medicine is a way of living: vivid and engrossing, it stimulates senses physical and metaphysical.───醫(yī)療行業(yè)是這樣一種生活:光鮮靚麗、頗有吸引力,從精神和物質上都刺激著我們的神經。

63 、But the metaphysical base of Confucian Humanization is philosophic theory of rational humanism, not pure dogmata of belief.───但儒家教化的形上學基礎是理性人文主義的"哲理",而不是單純信仰義的"教理"。

64 、We should be analytical and adopt a dialectical, rather than a metaphysical, approach.───應該有分析,采取辯證的方法,而不采取形而上學的方法。

65 、Kant criticized the metaphysical dogmatism both in synchronic and diachronic way.───康德從歷時和共時兩方面批判了形而上學獨斷論。

66 、In a way, Kongfuzi (551-479 BC) has this similar metaphysical assumption in his rule of "li" and his concept of "ren" or humanity: unchanging principle and forever true.───在某種程度上,孔夫子(551-479 BC)在 “禮”和“仁”的思想中也持有類似的形而上學的假設,即:不變的原則和永遠的真理。

67 、Their argument was too metaphysical for me to follow.───他們的辯論太深奧,我搞不懂。

68 、The humanistic culture and spirit implicate the metaphysical noumena, i. e. humanistic value, humanistic significance, humanistic ideal and humanistic criticism.───人文文化和人文精神內蘊著形而上的本體意義,即人文價值、人文意義、人文理想和人文批判。

69 、This was what mingling with humans and Garudans had wrought, he told himself, a penchant for the metaphysical.───他自言自語道:這是人類和嘎魯達人精巧的混合,純哲學的興趣。

70 、Her cryptic lyrics, composed mostly in ballad meter, are metaphysical in style, original in language, and precise in imagery.───她多以述事韻律寫作神密抒情詩,文體(上是)抽象(的);語文(上是)獨創(chuàng)(的),意象(上是)周密(的)。

71 、Metaphysical inquiry came out of physical fact.───哲學上的玄想出自實際情況。

72 、One can conflate it to a metaphysical artistic ideal, or a mundane and profane experience.───可以夸大為源自形而上的藝術理想,亦或只是簡單的形而下的生活經驗。

73 、On the other hand, hold to a Marxism to cannot take doctrinairism, metaphysical attitude absolutely, and should adopt with when the scientific attitude that all takes.───另一方面,堅持馬克思主義絕不能采取教條主義、形而上學的態(tài)度,而應該采取與時俱進的科學態(tài)度。

74 、The intrinsic spiritual highness of the metaphysical Tao endowed TANG with inimitable temperament of "thinker" and further influenced his choices of styles.───“道學”形而上的內在精神超越,賦予了湯氏獨特的“思想者”氣質,并進而影響他的文體選擇。

75 、My degrees are in physics, not metaphysics.─── 我有物理學學位 可沒有形而上學學位

76 、However, in modern societies it is a common-place that purely scientific arguments alone will not do, nor will metaphysical or theological arguments, and the same goes for contextual arguments relying on contingent traditions or settings.───但是,在現(xiàn)代社會,常見的情形是,單靠純科學的論證不可能做到這一點,形而上學的或神學的論證也不能做到,同樣,依賴于傳統(tǒng)或習俗的語境化的論證也做不到這一點。

77 、We must bear it in mind that teleology is not a metaphysical premise and functional explanation is more defeatable than causal explanation.───當然目的論不是形而上學的前提,功能解釋的可錯性是很高的。

78 、"Learning" and "teaching" are forms that valid mechanism to promote and to instill the rite, the metaphysical value of rite and its outside form are unity.───“學”與“教”是推行、灌輸禮的有效機制,禮的形上本源價值與禮的繁文縟節(jié)具有不即不離的性質等方面。

79 、Put another way, Buddhism is not an overly metaphysical religion.───另外一方面,佛教不是一個過度形而上學的宗教。

80 、Argentinian writer particularly known for his short stories,which have a metaphysical,fantastic quality.───博格斯,若熱·路易斯1899-1986阿根廷作家,以其深奧和富于想象力的短篇**而尤為著名。

81 、They were especially drawn to F. W. J. Schelling, whose philosophy of nature, a hash of intuition and metaphysical speculation, was closer to theosophy than to modern science.───它們特別注意謝林的自然哲學,哈希直覺和形而上學投機,是接近theosophy比現(xiàn)代科學相結合。

82 、In Samkhya philosophy, the concept of Muladhara is that of moola prakriti, the metaphysical basis of material existence.───在Samkhya哲學里,Muladhara的觀念是moolaprakriti,基于存在的純粹哲學。

83 、He sometimes berated his huge audiences when they clamoured for nationalist odes rather than the subtler, metaphysical verse of his later years.───當他為數(shù)眾多的聽眾為民族主義頌詞拍掌叫好,但卻無視他晚年更加微妙和形而上學的詞句時,他時而會苛責他們。

84 、By the end of his final period, he denies only metaphysical truth.───在他最后一個時期快結束時,他只否認形而上學真理。

85 、The present writers disagree with this metaphysical point of view and point out that Monod's reasoning is very superficial.───他認為不變是生命的本質和規(guī)律,變則是可有可無的;

86 、ENIGMA 2 elevated its line of inquiry to metaphysical heights.───《謎2》則把這種探索提升到了形而上學的高度。

87 、The metaphysical study of the nature of being and existence.───對于存在的本質的哲學研究。

88 、We have exactly no time to discuss the metaphysical implications.─── 我們真的沒有時間 討論這里面的哲學意義

89 、He was a metaphysical puzzle to me.───他對我是一個形而上學的謎語。

90 、From the paintings, she conveyed a sort of attitude and opinion, she calls this “return to the ancients” expressional method and it not metaphysical but artistic.───基于這些思考,她創(chuàng)作了一系列的作品,并通過這些作品來傳達一種態(tài)度和觀點。這是一種具有藝術性而非形而上學的表現(xiàn)手法。

Metaphysical Poetry的創(chuàng)始者是

分類: 教育/科學 >> 學習幫助


Metaphysical Poetry 玄學派

英國玄學派詩人The Metaphysical Poets

指英國17世紀以John Donne 約翰·多恩為首的一派詩人,還包括赫伯特、馬韋爾、克拉肖、亨利·金、克利夫蘭、特勒賀恩、沃恩、考利、凱利、拉夫萊斯等。其中有些詩人在風格和內容上也屬于“騎士派”,如克利夫蘭、凱利、拉夫萊斯。




Metaphysical poetry(名詞解釋)

答案:The poetry of John Donne and other 17th century poets who wrote in a similar style. Metaphysical poetry is characterized by verbal wit and excess, ingenious structure, irregular meter, colloquial language, elaborate imagery, and a drawing together of dissimilar ideas. The imagery is drawn from actual life.

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