英:[li:v] 美:[liv]
英: 美:
n.許可, 準假, 告別
v.委托, 離開, 留給, 遺留, 遺贈, 聽任
動詞過去分詞: left |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): leaves |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: leaving |動詞過去式: left |名詞: leaver |
leave for
1. 動身去
I'm leaving for London tomorrow.
leave aside
1. 不考慮
Let's leave the matter aside for the moment.
leave behind
1. 忘了帶; 留下
I've left my pen behind.
leave out
1. 省去
They must decide what to leave out.
2. 遺漏
She left out a "c" in "account" .
leave about
1. 亂扔
Don't leave your books about.
leave off
1. 停止
The rain left off at noon.
pull up stakes | authorization | allow | bequeath | allow for |abandon | withdraw | time off | lead | forsake | forget | pass on | sabbatical | set aside | set out | time out | quit | permit | parting | start | authority | vacation | give up | consent | let | go forth | result | impart | holiday | leave-taking | permission | desert | authorize | give | depart | leave of absence | exit | leave alone | vacate | go away | provide | go | get out | delay | go out | result in | farewell | leave behind | will | entrust
remain |arrive | stay | reach
1 、Don't leave the gas on you might burn the house down.───別忘了關煤氣爐--不然會把房子燒掉的。
2 、Don't neglect to lock the door when you leave.───你走時別忘了鎖門。
3 、He was asked to leave school as a direct result of his behaviour.───他被勒令退學,直接原因是他的行為不檢。
4 、He's taken unpaid leave for a month.───他請了一個月的停薪假。
5 、Leave go of my coat, you monkey!───別抓住我的衣服,你這淘氣鬼!
6 、Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country.───外國僑民被要求離開該國。
7 、He has to leave work early today.───他今天得早點兒下班。
8 、If your payments of rent lag behind, you will be asked to leave.───你要是不能按時付房租,就要請你搬家。
9 、We shall never leave you, whatever befalls.───不管發(fā)生什麼事情,我們永遠也不會離開你。
10 、If you have finished eating you may leave the table.───你要是吃完了,就可以離席了。
11 、I wasn't leaving because of you, and I didn't leave.─── 我不是因為你而離開的 我也沒有離開
12 、He had to leave his home because of impiety.───因為不孝,他不得不離開家。
13 、He gets home leave every two years.───他每兩年有一次探親假。
14 、The bus might be early, so we'd better play safe and leave now.───公共汽車可能早到,因此我們得穩(wěn)妥點,現(xiàn)在就動身。
15 、It is only to be expected your son will leave home eventually.───兒子總歸要離開家的,這種事很難免。
16 、He is declared personal non grata and forced to leave the country.───他被宣布為不受歡迎的人而被迫離開該國。
17 、In his hurry to leave, he forgot his passport.───他急急忙忙動身的時候,忘了帶護照。
18 、He can't pluck up the courage to leave home.───他鼓不起離開家的勇氣。
19 、If you want me to leave, you only have to say the word.───你要是想讓我走,盡管說出來就是了。
20 、He nodded to me to leave the room.───他向我點頭示意讓我離開房間。
21 、I had to leave home in self-defence. I simply wasn't being allowed to grow up.───為保護自己我不得不離家出走。在家里簡直無法讓人好好成長。
22 、You can't leave your room in a muck like that.───你不能把房間弄得那麼亂七八糟的。
23 、She leave school three year ago and have work as a nurse ever since.───她三年前畢業(yè),從那時起便一直當護士。
24 、The train will leave in a second.───列車馬上要開了。
25 、Scarcely had he arrived when he had to leave again.───他剛剛到達就不得不又離開。
26 、The company has docked us of three days of our annual leave.───公司將我們每年的休假時間減少了3天。
27 、You can't leave me, you can't leave me.─── 你不能離開我 你不能離開我
28 、After days of soul-searching he finally came to the decision to leave home.───他經過幾天的反躬自問,最終決定離家而去。
29 、Don't leave that steamed bread on the table, it will dry out.───不要把饅頭放在桌子上,它會干硬的。
30 、You are at liberty to leave.───你可以走。
31 、You mustn't leave the gate open.───你不要敞著大門。
32 、His indirect way of telling me to leave annoyed me.───他那種不直截了當?shù)刈屛译x開的方式激怒了我。
33 、Leave over, you're hurting me!───住手,你傷著我了!
34 、Leave me alone. I'm hopeless.───別打擾我。我已經徹底絕望了。
35 、Before you leave the office, everything should be put in place.───在離開辦公室之前,應把所有物品擺放好。
36 、He found it is easy to leave the house unobserved.───他發(fā)現(xiàn)很容易從這座房子溜走而不被發(fā)現(xiàn)。
37 、Do he leave home before lunch?───他是在午飯前離開家的嗎?
38 、You can't leave...he can't leave the party.─── 你不能離開...他不能離開派對
39 、Don't leave the bread on the table; it will dry out.───別把面包放在桌子上,它會干掉的。
40 、By a sudden and adroit movement I placed my leave eye against his fist.───憑一下突然而又敏捷的動作,我把左眼朝他的拳頭碰將過去的。
41 、I can't leave this. I can't leave my research.─── 我不能丟下這輛車 不能丟下我的研究
42 、You don't leave me and I don't leave you.─── 你不丟下我 我就不會丟下你
43 、I felt obliged to leave after such an unpleasant quarrel.───發(fā)生了這樣不愉快的爭吵之后,我覺得有必要離開。
44 、Don't use up all the soap. Leave me some to wash with.───不要把肥皂用盡,留一些給我洗。
45 、In my hurry to leave for school, I left my lunchbox in my room.───為了趕上學,在匆忙中我把飯盒遺忘在房間。
46 、The ambassador is now home on leave.───大使目前回國休假了。
47 、We are leaving here at once. I'm not I'm not leaving.─── 我們立刻離開 我不要離開
48 、The farmer decided to leave the land fallow for a year.───農夫決定讓土地休耕一年。
49 、Be it true( that) traffic in britain keep leave?───在英國來車輛都靠左行駛,對嗎?
50 、Don't (you) dare leave the room!───(你)敢離開這間屋子!
51 、It's hot today, I think I'll leave my jacket off.───今天挺熱的,我今天不穿外套了。
52 、Go right on to the end of this road then turn leave.───一直往前走到路的盡頭然后向左拐。
53 、I'll leave that... leave that there for you.─── 那我就把這個 給你留在這了
54 、The police picked him up as he was trying to leave the country.───他正要離開該國時,警方把他捉住了。
55 、Leave a radio at the patient's elbow.───在病人手邊留一個收音機。
56 、It was careless of you to leave the door unlocked.───你沒鎖門,太粗心了。
57 、Please leave word with my secretary if you can't come.───你要是不能來,請給我的秘書留話。
58 、You don't leave me, I don't leave you.─── 你不丟下我 我不丟下你
59 、The trains leave at hourly intervals.───列車每隔一小時開出一趟。
60 、Soldiers wear mufti on leave, not uniform.───士兵度假時穿便服,不穿制服。
61 、A ship full of emigrants will soon leave for Canada.───一條載滿移居外國者的船很快就要開往加拿大了。
62 、Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain.───別讓她在外邊雨中等著。
63 、Don't leave it where the kids can get at it.───不要把它放在孩子們能拿著的地方。
64 、He was going to leave your mother, leave the company, leave you.─── 他當時已經準備離開你母親 離開公司 丟下你
65 、Don't leave the school precincts during school hours.───在上課期間內不要離開學校。
66 、Have you been given leave to swim here?───你在這兒游泳得到了許可嗎?
67 、If you leave college, all that money has gone down the drain!───你要是中斷大學的學習,你花的錢就會都付諸東流了。
68 、Not a leaf nor an insect stirred.───不單是樹葉,連個蟲子都不動。
69 、Before you leave, ask the servant to make up your room.───臨走前,叫服務員把你的房間準備好。
70 、You will leave your parents sooner or later.───你遲早會離開父母的。
71 、Please switch out all lights as you leave the house.───你離開房子時,請熄掉所有的電燈。
72 、Paul sat there as bold as brass and refused to leave.───保羅厚臉皮地坐在那兒,不肯離開。
73 、Don't forget to leave room for our teacher.───不要忘了給老師留出座位。
74 、He praised my work and in the same breath told me I would have to leave.───他稱贊我工作好,剛說完這話就讓我離職。
75 、It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public places.───在公眾場所遺棄雜物是妨害公眾利益的。
76 、Leave off! You'll break it if you're not careful!───停止!你不小心的話會把它破的!
77 、So leave leave, leave, leave ... leave, leave.─── 所以你走 走 走 走
78 、If you leave your headlights on you'll soon run down the battery.───停車后不關前燈,電池的電很快就會耗盡。
79 、They have docked us of two days of our annual leave.───他們已從我們每年的休假里扣除了兩天。
80 、Overcome with emotion, he press her hand and leave her.───他感慨萬千,用力握了一下她的手,離開了她。
81 、Let's leave the two of them to sort themselves out.───咱們讓他們倆自己把相互間的誤解好好澄清一下吧。
82 、He will leave at the end of term, to wit 30 July.───他要在期末離開,也就是7月30日。
83 、It was easy for him to leave the house unobserved.───他很容易從這座房子溜走而不被發(fā)現(xiàn)。
84 、You may leave your key at the reception desk.───你可以把鑰匙留在服務臺。
85 、Do you want to leave word with me that you call?───你想留話讓我轉達嗎,就說你打過**了?
86 、Soldiers sign out when they leave the barracks.───士兵離開營房得登記簽字。
87 、I'll leave for Shanghai at nine.───九點鐘,我將赴上海。
88 、Leave the key with the service counter when you go out.───出去的時候把鑰匙交給服務臺。
89 、Never leave you luggage unguarded.───千萬注意看好自己的行李。
90 、Under no circumstances shall I leave you.───在任何情況下我都不會離開你。
1.leave behind 遺留;落后
2.leave for 動身去...
3.leave alone 不干涉;不理會
4.sick leave 病假
5.be left with 留下;剩下
6.leave out 忽略,;漏掉
7.leave from 離開
8.be left over 被留下
1.desert 著重指違背法律責任和義務,或自己的信仰與誓言的行為,多含非難的意味。
2.leave 普通用詞,指舍棄某事或某一職業(yè),或終止同一某人的關系,但不涉及動機與果。
3.give up 普通用語,側重指沒有希望或因外界壓力而放棄。
4.forsake 側重斷絕感情上的依戀,自愿拋棄所喜歡的人或物。也指拋棄信仰或改掉惡習。
5.abandon 強調永遠或完全放棄或拋棄人或事物等,這可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的。
leave 可以直接加名詞 離開某地 或留下某物
1 leave for
We'll leave for Guangzhou by plane.
離開(某人)以同(他人)生活在一起; 離開(某職位)以尋求
He left his wife for a worthless actress.
2 leave off
停止(做)某事, 戒掉
The rain left off at daybreak.
3 leave on
1 讓…留在原處
She left her hat on.
2 讓(火)燃著, 讓…開著
Don't leave the light on when you go out.
出去時, 請關燈.
4 leave out
遺漏, 省略, 刪去; 未顧及, 忽略
He left that part of the speech out.
5 leave over
留下, 剩下, 剩余
No food has been left over after the meal.
延后, 推遲, (暫時擱置)留待以后處理
I will leave my homework over until tomorrow.
LEAVE接ING的情況比較多. 具體要看語境的