英:['k?l??] 美:['k?l??]
英: 美:
1 、It's not an outbreak, dad, it'sit's a culling.─── 這不是**爆發(fā) 爸爸 這是擇優(yōu)選擇
2 、Culling stem cells destroys the days-old embryo harboring them, regardless of whether it was cloned or left over in a fertility clinic.───一般來講,無論是被克隆還是被轉移到其他環(huán)境中,挑選干細胞線將會自動破壞曾經養(yǎng)育它的胚胎。
3 、China has had five bird flu outbreaks in poultry this year. The latest case in Guangdong Province killed 114 domestic fowl and led to the culling of another 518.───中國今年在家禽業(yè)已爆發(fā)了五起禽流感事件。最近的例子是發(fā)生在廣東省,共有114只馴養(yǎng)的家禽被殺,另有518只受到感染。
4 、Discussion is made on the characteristics of pumping conrete, the ratios of culling or assorted of the raw materials, especially in the construction techniques of pumping concrete.───介紹了泵送砼的特點、原材料的選擇和配合比,并重點闡述泵送砼施工工藝以及注意事項。
5 、Any good company has a constant pruning process and is always culling the bottom 5 or 10 percent of staff.───任何的好公司有固定的修剪程序而且總是采底部第5或第10%的職員。
6 、Also, make sure the cylinder's Backface Cull is turned off.───右擊圓柱體,進入屬性框,關閉可渲染屬性和BackfaceCull。
7 、Optimization of Scene Culling Cone Arithmetic───場景視錐裁剪算法的再優(yōu)化
8 、You'll answer the door and gauge the culls.─── 你負責開門 看看哪些人是瘋子
9 、For example, you can set a custom viewport as well as specify parameters for backface culling, polygon mode, polygon offset, and more.───例如,您可以設置自定義視圖以及指定參數背面撲殺,多邊形模式,多邊形抵消等等。
10 、Therefore culling primarily increases pixel fill-rate and reduces time spent for triangle setup, which is especially costly when using texturing.───因此表面剔除主要是提高像素填充率和減少三角面的設置時間花費,特別是在使用紋理的時候。
11 、Before Cull (Landry) and Arab League prosperous (Brooks), Rowen (Ataisite) equally is the season, the match man of the hour.───卡爾(蘭德里)與阿?。ú剪斂怂梗?、羅恩(阿泰斯特)一樣都是季前賽的風云人物。”
12 、With a lack of knowledge and resources, communities in developing countries frequently resort to randomly culling strays, by poisoning, electrocuting or shooting dogs.───以缺乏知識和資源,社區(qū)在發(fā)展中國家常常地采取任意揀掉迷路者,通過毒害,觸電致死或者射擊狗。
13 、Why should we submit to the new Impergium where humans cull wolves?───憑什么我們要順從這個人剔選狼的新農耕時代?
14 、Animal rights groups in and outside of China have expressed concern over the cull and it’s been hotly criticized by Chinese internet users, anger and upset at images of battered dogs posted online.───國內外動物權利保護組織均對此舉表示擔憂。這次活動引發(fā)了中國網友的強烈批評,上傳到網上的被屠殺的狗只的圖片引發(fā)了人們的憤怒和不安。
15 、Therefore a few years ago when the TaitungChristianHospital needed to cull the patient charts to make space, I volunteered to help.───幾年前臺東基督教醫(yī)院想縮減病歷量以便有更大的利用空間,我自愿幫忙這件病歷篩選工作。
16 、Visibility Testing and Culling to increase speed───可見性測試和速度的提高
17 、Indonesia, has been criticized for resisting mass culling of infected poultry.───印度尼西亞被指拒絕大規(guī)模殺掉被感染家禽。
18 、With view frustum culling based on nodes of block, triangle strip optimizing, cracks elimination and geomorphing, the efficiency and effect of the method are greatly increased.───基于塊節(jié)點的視景體裁剪、三角形條組織以及邊界裂縫消除、視覺光滑處理等手段的運用,提高了地形漫游的效率與可視化效果。
19 、A mass poultry cull stopped the outbreaks by March 2004, by which time 23 people had died.───2004年三月一場大的家禽篩選阻止了禽流感的爆發(fā),截至此時已有23人死亡。
20 、Family data can be used most simply by an approach which employs an individual culling level.───使用家系資料最簡單的辦法,就是采用一獨立的選拔標準。
21 、A good manager insures there are specific action plans for all major cull and rework defects.───一個好的經理會有詳細的行動計劃去降低造成廢品或返工的缺陷。
22 、Unwilling to accept they’d made a mess, the authorities blamed the migration on carnivores and started a cull of wolves and bears.───不愿意承認自己是始作俑者,當局把責任歸咎到食肉動物身上,并開始捕殺狼與熊。
23 、Simultaneously, the meshes must be kept compact to allow for efficient culling.───同時地,網格必須保持緊湊的以允許有效的剔除。
24 、Even as officials focus on culling, Girardi believes the Balinese people would not kill dogs if they had another option.───即使官員專注于宰殺,吉拉迪認為,如果巴里島人另有選擇,他們不會殺狗。
25 、The essentials of culling process, cor.diticn fcr steady cutting, principle of nozzle design and the technological analysis are presented.───其內容包括:切割過程實質、穩(wěn)定切割條件、工藝分析及噴咀設計原則,同時也給出了兩種金屬材料的切割規(guī)范。
26 、However, fears of a global epidemic have prompted calls for a cull of migratory birds in areas like Siberia, Southeast Asia and South Africa.───但由于擔心禽流感在全球大流行,一些人呼吁將西伯利亞、南亞和南非等地的侯鳥殺死。
27 、Most believe that returning to a policy of culling would be sufficient.───他們中的很多人相信剔選掉人類中的一大批混蛋就足夠了。
28 、Prophylaxis for workers involved in culling operations; and Post-exposure prophylaxis for contacts.───為參與銷毀活家禽行動工作人員作預防性藥物及。
29 、After the hearing ended, Kilpatrick set out with wife Cull Li to hug, kisses the latter's forehead and the cheek.───聽證結束后,基爾帕特里克起身與妻子卡爾麗娜擁抱,親吻后者的額頭和面頰。
30 、Vivid green tea shoots and warm smiling faces delineate a fleshy tea culling picture.───一片片嫩綠雋秀的新茶芽,一張張開懷溫馨的笑臉,勾畫出一幅豐碩飽滿的采茶圖。
31 、But this ‘natural culling’ simply defers the pain.───但這個“自然淘汰”只是將痛楚延遲而已。
32 、But here's what we've been able to cull from Web search about Obama's half-sibs.───但以下是我們通過網上搜索“奧巴馬的同胞”,然后提煉出來的一份名單。
33 、Culling from media reports, they count only 14 school gun killings outside America in the same period.───但是通過媒體報道得知,在同時期內,美國以外僅僅發(fā)生了14起校園**擊事件。
34 、Chinese legal experts are drawing up proposals for the country’s first animal welfare law, a move that could criminalize the brutal culling of dogs and other forms of pet maltreatment.───中國法律專家正在草擬中國首部動物福利法提案,有可能把虐殺狗和其他虐待寵物的行為判定為犯法。
35 、More than just his journals survived the culling.─── 在那時候,不止是他的日記留下了
36 、In Malaysia, officials Tuesday began culling birds and launched house-to-house inspections for sick people a day after the nation's first outbreak in more than a year.───在馬來西亞,有關官員星期二開始屠宰禽類,并且挨家挨戶查找病人。
37 、WHO advises countries experiencing outbreaks in poultry to follow certain precautions, particularly during culling operations, and to monitor persons with a possible exposure history for fever or respiratory symptoms.───世界衛(wèi)生組織建議該病在家禽中暴發(fā)的國家采取一些防范措施,特別是在撲殺行動期間,并對有發(fā)燒或呼吸系統(tǒng)癥狀且過去具有可能接觸禽流感病毒史的人進行監(jiān)測。
38 、Dream of culling the pearl on the crown?───你想摘下皇冠上的那顆明珠嗎?
39 、Previous attempts to cull pika numbers, including mass poisoning campaigns and the construction of hundreds of perches for owls and eagles, have failed or had limited success.───以前也用過很多方法限制鼠兔的數量,如:大量投放毒藥,為鷹和貓頭鷹建立上百個棲息處,但是,最后都失敗了,或是收效甚微。
40 、In accepts time the interview, Cull first spoke on the season playoff: “if you thought on the team the season playoff performance is bad I do not have any comment.───在接受采訪時候,卡爾首先說到了上賽季季后賽:"如果你認為球隊上賽季的季后賽表現糟糕的話我沒有任何意見。"
41 、In Brasov,more than a dozen brown bears have been picnicking on garbage among the city's drab tower blocks,prompting authorities to begin culling the animals,which have been hunted to extinction in much of the rest of Europe.───在羅馬尼亞城市布拉索夫,十幾只褐色大熊正歡暢地穿梭在灰蒙蒙的城市高樓間,它們圍著一個個垃圾堆盡興地
42 、Health officials in India, Bangladesh, Thailand and Vietnam have ordered the culling of millions of chickens as they attempt to control fresh outbreaks of bird flu.───印度、孟加拉國、泰國和越南的衛(wèi)生官員已下令宰殺幾百萬只雞,以努力控制禽流感的再度爆發(fā)。
43 、Experts and veterinarians have started disinfection and culling poultry in the area to prevent possible new outbreaks.───專家和獸醫(yī)也開始了消毒,捕殺這些地區(qū)的家禽以阻止新的**發(fā)作。
44 、But not the thunder without doubt very much has the confidence, “acted according to the Cull past sickness, definitely had certain risk, but we felt that this risk was not difficult to deal with.───但莫雷無疑很有信心,“根據卡爾過去的傷病,肯定是有一定風險的,但我們感覺這風險是不難應付的?!?/p>
45 、In real-time rendering phase, view-dependent frustum culling and backface clipping are performed;different regions are rendered using point or triangle according to their distance from viewpoint.───在實時繪制階段,進行視相關的裁剪和背面剔除,不同子塊按視點距離分別由三角形或點進行繪制。
46 、The current policy of health officials during an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian flu is mass culling and disposal of infected birds, and strict biosecurity measures.───在高致病性禽流感爆發(fā)期間,衛(wèi)生官員現行的政策是對受感染鳥類的大規(guī)模剔除和銷毀,以及嚴格的生物安全措施。
47 、There's a boy is culling your flower in your garden───一個男孩在摘你花園里的花
48 、Crowford is Lakers in 2008 the competition congress, the inferior wheel 58th cis-position is selected, his outgoing means that tests compares - Cull to keep the team opportunity to increase.───克勞福德是湖人在2008年選秀大會,次輪第58順位被選中的,他的出局意味著考比-卡爾留隊機會大增。
49 、Faces can be culled using a number of techniques including back face, view frustum, and occlusion culling.───可以使用許多方法來剔除面,包括背面剔除、視圖截錐剔除和遮面剔除。
50 、Do not cull back faces.───不剔除背面。
51 、Culling is the removing of a face from the list of faces to render.───剔除就是從要呈現的面的列表中刪除面。
52 、The Hong Kong authorities immediately set up quarantine procedures and the mass culling or killing of poultry to stop the new disease.───于是香港政府當局立即設置檢疫隔離實施程序并大量撲殺家禽以阻止這種新疾
53 、If you don't find her culls, I will.─── 你要是拉不到客 我就接手了
54 、Culling, it's also such an unpleasant word.─── 剔除 這也是一個讓人不愉快的詞語
55 、H5N1 was found in a chicken at a Hong Kong poultry farm in December, prompting a cull of more than 90,000 chickens.───H5N1在十二月在一個香港家禽飼養(yǎng)場在一個小雞里被找到,促使撲殺超過90,000個雞.
56 、Cull out, that is, remove back faces; assume counterclockwise winding order for primitives.───剔除模式,剔除背面;假設圖元頂點按逆時針順序旋轉排列。
57 、To overcome this drawback,This paper proposed a new level of detail algorithm combined with occlusion culling.───為了克服這一缺點,作者提出了一種能夠結合遮擋裁減的層次細節(jié)模型方法。
58 、His first big task was a contentious cull of around 15% of the staff.───他的第一個任務就是裁掉大約15%的員工,這引發(fā)了很多爭議。
59 、The child prodigies who premature loses the stamina with these are different, young Cull - content life teaches in Germany's famous university, his reputation wins universal praise.───與那些過早失去后勁的神童們不同,小卡爾-維特一生都在德國的著名大學里授課,他的名聲有口皆碑。
60 、Chinese authorities say they are culling and vaccinating poultry in eastern Jiangsu province after discovering an outbreak of bird flu.───中國有關當局說,他們在東部省份江蘇發(fā)現爆發(fā)禽流感之后,正在那里撲殺家禽和為家禽免疫。
61 、The use of triangle strips and quickly culling faces outside the view frustum also contributed to fast rendering of terrain surface.───為進一步提高繪制速度,算法中使用了條帶結構,并對視區(qū)外的部分實現快速裁剪。
62 、The storage, look-up and view frustum culling of nodes in 3D scene are the key problems which effect the rendering efficiency in large scale scene.───在大規(guī)模場景渲染過程中,場景中節(jié)點的存儲、查找,以及視域剔除是影響渲染速度的重要因素。
63 、Assassins, for instance, come from all over to try the ascend this city's Culling Tower.───舉例而言,刺客們從整個地下世界趕到這座城市,試圖登上選拔之塔。
64 、Backface culling will ensure that only one of the two surfaces will be displayed in the Z-Buffer anyway, meaning that there won't be any Z-fighting problem.───因為隱面剔除使得兩個面只有一個會顯示出來,這樣Z緩沖就不會出現沖突了。
65 、And that isn't the only grey one, if you are, erm, having a cull.─── 如果你在拔白頭發(fā) 你可不止有一根
66 、Cull - Landry 16 point 6 backboard, Arab League prosperous - Brooks first round, 15 points, Luther - Hyde 13 points.───卡爾-蘭德里16分6個籃板,阿隆-布魯克斯首發(fā),得了15分,盧瑟-海德13分。
67 、Most favor rural areas near their Kinfolk, often under conditions adverse enough to "cull the weak" from their human herds.───不少喜歡住在鄉(xiāng)下地方,靠近他們的親屬,那里一般有惡劣的環(huán)境以方便淘汰那些從人類中來的不夠格的家伙。
68 、Having completed the signing of Patrick Vieira from Arsenal, Juve are looking to trim their wage bill, with Appiah and Fabrizio Miccoli the likely victims of any cull.───在成功從阿森納簽入維埃拉后,尤文試圖收支平衡,阿皮亞和米科利成為裁員的犧牲品。
69 、When outbreaks occur, governments should immediately offer realistic compensation to farmers for birds lost to disease and culling.───各國政府在**暴發(fā)時,應當立即向農民提供相應補償,以彌補因家禽染病以及大范圍撲殺給他們造成的損失。
70 、Indonesia has been criticised for resisting mass culling of infected poultry.───印尼被指責拒絕大規(guī)模篩選感染的家禽。
71 、Triangular mesh, Backface culling, Normal, Topological mapping, Surfaces trimming, Mesh simplification.───01三角網格,背向面去除,法向量,拓撲映射,曲面切割,網格簡化
72 、For the record, it's human flu he caught, not bird flu, lest the AVA (Agri-Food &Veterinary Authority) comes a-knocking on our door and cull all of us, like they did to the chickens on Ubin!───在此鄭重聲明,他患的是“人流感”,不是“禽流感”,免得引來農糧局上門對咱們趕盡殺絕,像他們對付烏敏島上的家禽那樣。
73 、Give me a room and some upright culls.─── 給我一間房和幾個正經的嫖客
74 、The dynamic management of landscape data is achieved with the view frustum culling technology and quadtree searching algorithm based on resolution-testing.───利用視景體裁剪,基于分辨率測試的四叉樹搜索算法實現了大場景數據的動態(tài)管理。其中重點對可見區(qū)分辨率進行調整,使渲染的數據塊適中。
75 、They will do anything to continue the culling.─── 他們會不惜一切代價繼續(xù)宰殺我們
76 、Physical diagnosis, in medicine, in landscape, is the art of culling the significant from a welter of irrelevant detail.───不論是在醫(yī)藥方面或是風景方面,物理診斷都是將重要細項從不相關的細節(jié)中篩選出來的一種藝術。
77 、The Cull - content has a basic education idea: That is child's education should work as soon as possible.───卡爾-維特有一個基本的教育的理念:那就是孩子的教育應該盡早抓起。
78 、Our ancestors used them during the last culling.─── 我們的祖先曾用來躲避洗劫的
79 、Probably we did not cull it all out at that; but we took the best and the fairest that we could find.───也許我們沒有剔除干凈,不過我們已經盡力挑出了最后、最公正的人
80 、You know, all the information's already culled.─── 要知道信息都已經被篩選過了
81 、Cull To remove rejected members or parts from (a herd, for example).───去掉,剔除從(如牧群等)中剔除不好的成員或部分當時的首相。
82 、Here's an example of Chuck in action: At See's we regularly add new pieces of candy to our mix and also cull a few to keep our product line at about 100 varieties.───以下是一個具體的例證,在喜斯我們通常會定期增添新的口味并刪除舊的口味以維持大約一百種組合,
83 、Farmers are getting so frustrated they are demanding increased culling of deer or taking matters into their own hands by shootint the animals.───農民對之深惡痛絕,強烈要求增加人工淘汰的數量,否則他們就要采取行動,自行獵殺。
84 、Farmers are getting so frustrated they are demanding increased culling of deer or taking matters into their own hands by shooting the animals.───農民對之深惡痛絕,強烈要求增加人工淘汰鹿的數量,否則他們就要采取行動,自行獵殺。
85 、Components group also can be used as occluder when occlusion culling is used.───在實際繪制時,通過組法線可以批量剔除不可視部件。
86 、Indonesia has been criticized for resisting mass culling of infected poultry.───印尼被譴責拒絕處理大量受感染的家禽。
87 、By April the virus has spread to nearly 800 poultry farms and resulted in the culling of almost 11 million chickens.───到4月時病毒已經傳播至將近800個家禽農場,結果幾乎1100萬只家禽感染。
88 、When times are tough, women tend naturally to abort a higher percentage of male fetuses. Researchers call it culling, but they don't know why it occurs.───處于艱難時事中的**女性,她的男性胎兒自然流產比例更高。研究者稱這種現象為剔除,但不知其所以然。
89 、A Fast Culling Algorithm for Visualization of Terrain───地形可視化中快速視區(qū)裁剪算法研究
90 、Agressive shadow volume culling Ogre is pretty good at detecting which lights could be affecting the frustum, and from that, which objects could be casting a shadow on the frustum.───因此,對于現在應用程序中通過高精度模型來帶來更好的視覺效果的同時,模板陰影就成了這時候效率的瓶頸。
八叉樹(octree)是三維空間劃分的數據結構之一,它用于加速空間查詢,例如在游戲中: 加速用于可見性判斷的視錐裁剪(view frustum culling)。
加速射線投射(ray casting) ,如用作視線判斷或**擊判定。 鄰近查詢(proximity query),如查詢玩家角色某半徑范圍內的敵方NPC。
stralia" is Baz Luhrmann's first feature film since the 2001 musical success Moulin Rouge!The highly anticipated film centres on an English aristocrat in the 1930s,played by Nicole Kidman,who comes to northern Australia to s