
發(fā)布時間:2024-12-24 21:20:01



英:[b?'tre??]  美:[b?'tre??]

英:  美:


n. 叛徒, 背信者, 告密者


動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: betraying |動詞過去分詞: betrayed |名詞: betrayal |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): betrays |動詞過去式: betrayed |


1 、Betrayer ? in tures it was i who was betrayed !───背叛者?我才是被背叛的人!!

2 、Judas the betrayer was present at the sacramental service.───賣主的猶大當時也參加了圣餐禮。

3 、It requires two: the betrayer and the betrayed.─── 需要兩個人 背叛者 和遭背叛之人

4 、Mar 14:42 Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!"───42起來!我們走吧。看哪,那賣我的人近了。

5 、" Betrayer"───“貳臣”

6 、Just Take The Time...Everything Will Be Fine!!No Betrayer In My───咂看這張臉,怎一個流氓了得!

7 、Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: "The one I kiss is the man; arrest him and lead him away under guard."───44賣耶穌的人曾給他一個暗號、說、我與誰親嘴、誰就是他.你們把他拿住、牢牢靠靠的帶去。

8 、Betraying her would be like betraying myself.─── 背叛她就如同背叛了我自己

9 、Frodo's guide and betrayer literally bites the hand that feeds him.───佛羅多的向導和叛徒幾乎咬掉了那只喂養(yǎng)他的手。

10 、betrayer arrayed the sprayers on the road.───偶然的背信者在道路上排列噴霧器。

11 、---In June, betrayer Chen Yonglin visited Montreal and made rumors and smearing propagation there, which greatly annoyed friendly overseas Chinese community.───---6月,叛逃人員陳用林竄訪蒙特利爾,大肆進行造謠污蔑、仇恨宣傳。

12 、It was betrayal. I felt really betrayed.─── 這是一種背棄 我感到被大家拋棄了

13 、"Betrayer" Faye Wong is therefore subject to a penalty.───“背叛者”王菲的確因此受到了懲罰。

14 、An oath was a precious thing, which when broken brought the wrath of Heaven and terrible misfortune on the betrayer.───驚人的技藝秘密發(fā)展并代代傳承,傳奇武器被神仙鍛造給那些證明自己有價值的游俠,偉大劍士的功績傳遍天下。

15 、Stare into the eyes of the Betrayer!───凝視背叛者的眼睛吧!

16 、The Betrayer was forced back to Azeroth for a disastrous attack on Icecrown Glacier.───伊利丹被迫回到艾澤拉斯世界,計劃摧毀冰封王座,卻敗在死亡騎士阿爾薩斯的手中。

17 、The betrayer locked himself in Hikm, blocked the sea-lane, destroyed the portal which lead to town and refused to give back the Amulet of Necromancy.───這個叛徒固守在希金城里,封鎖了航道,破壞了通往城市的入口并拒絕交出招魂護身符。

18 、But one who utters lies is a betrayer.───吐出謊言的,施行詭詐。

19 、The Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel called Cardinal Lustiger a betrayer of his people; the Jerusalem Post denounced him as an apostate.───以色列的德系猶太拉比稱他是他的人民的叛徒;耶路撒冷郵報也批評他變節(jié)。

20 、It's not betrayal if he betrayed you first.─── 如果他先背叛了你 那就不算背叛了

21 、He'll betray you, the same way he betrayed me.─── 他會背叛你的 就像他當初背叛我那樣

22 、And when the time is right, the betrayer will become, the betrayed.───當時機到來,背叛者將成為被背叛的人。

23 、Cry, Brethren, for the Betrayer is Come.───哭喊吧,弟兄們,叛徒來了。

24 、Orland is the Brethren and Betrayer and he knew Caduca was on to him.He needed to kill her before she announced his name, and thought he could get rid of me at the same time.───奧蘭德就是那個既是兄弟又是叛徒的家伙,他知道卡都卡在他之上,他需要在她說出他的名字之前殺死她,并認為到那時就能同時擺脫我。

25 、Yes, I betrayed you, but only after you had betrayed her.─── 我的確背叛了你 但是你背叛她在先

26 、He was Jesus the Savior at Dalton, and now he's Judas the Betrayer at Kennesaw Mountain, all in six weeks.───他在多爾頓時被看作救世主,而六星期之后他到了肯尼薩山,就變成叛徒猶太了。

27 、Betrayer of the light!───圣光的背叛者!

28 、Was He a Betrayer? --The Ins and Outs of Zhang Xiufeng's "Turning Traitor and Going Over to the Enemy"───他是叛徒嗎?

29 、betrayer of the nation───[法] 叛國者

30 、The pit lord's might remained unchallenged until Illidan the Betrayer decided to claim the Black Temple for himself.───在很長時間內,無人敢挑戰(zhàn)深淵領主的權威,直到變節(jié)者伊利丹對黑暗神殿發(fā)起進攻。

31 、2 Judas his betrayer also knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples.───出賣他的猶達斯也知道那地方,因為耶穌同門徒曾屢次在那里聚集。

32 、So many overseas Chinese, their eating and using and wearing are all from overseas? They are go away form China? And become a betrayer?───那么多的華僑華胞,吃得,用得,穿得不都是國外的嗎?他們豈不要被趕出中國,淪為買國賊?

33 、Due to some political manipulations Cairne Bloodhoof gets painted as a betrayer and is murdered by Garrosh.───因為一些政治操作,老牛被描述為背叛者,并被小咆哮謀殺。。

34 、KS: We began planning for Mask of the Betrayer last summer.───我們在上一個夏季開始計劃背叛者的面具。

35 、Savior of the Damned, Guardian of the Wastes, Shield of Hope, Defender, Wanderer, Betrayer, Sword of Despair, Scourge of the Wastes and Demon Spawn───救世主,荒野守護者,希望之盾,防御者,流浪者,背叛者,絕望之劍,荒野的禿鷹,惡魔轉生

36 、After Christ rose from the dead, all the disciples except Judas the betrayer were right there ready to follow Christ anywhere, even to death.───當基督從死里復活之后,除了出賣基督的猶大之外,所有門徒都再次立志跟隨基督,甚至要犧牲性命,對基督也再不離不棄。

37 、The Fall of the Betrayer───背叛者的覆滅

38 、Yu Qiuyu: A Betrayer of Besieged City in a Fable───余秋雨:圍城寓言的叛離者

39 、42 Rise let us be going. See My betrayer is at hand.───42起來!我們走罷??茨模琴u我的人近了。

40 、betrayer of the───叛國者

41 、When the End of Words arrives, the fire will be driven from our hearts, and the efforts of the ages will be laid waste by the Betrayer.───當最后的話語到來,我們心中的火焰將被驅散,長久以來的成就也會被叛徒廢毀。

42 、First the puritans betrayed you, then she betrayed you.─── 先是清教徒們背叛了你 然后她也背叛了你

43 、Do not fear the evil spying of the betrayer, my dear.───沒有人來打擾我們,親愛的,別顧慮。

44 、And they will betray you as they betrayed us.─── 他們會背叛你的 就像他們背叛了我們那樣

45 、A wandering crone, lowly form of an immortal serving her conqueror and her gay betrayer , their common cuckquean, a messenger from the secret morning.───一個到處流浪、滿臉皺紋的老太婆,女神假借這個卑賤者的形象,伺候著她的征服者與她那快樂的叛徒[64]。她是受他們二者玩弄的母王八.來自神秘的早晨的使者。

46 、Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: "The one I kiss is the man; arrest him.───那賣耶穌的給了他們一個暗號,說:“我與誰親嘴,誰就是他。你們可以拿住他。

47 、The Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel called Cardinal Lustiger a betrayer of his people;───以色列的德系猶太拉比稱他是他的人民的叛徒;

48 、In your language traitor means betrayer: one is perfidious, treacherous, unfaithful, disloyal───在貴國的語言中,叛徒指的是叛賣者,一個背叛信仰,兩面三刀,不忠實,無信無義的人。

49 、He was going to betray me, betray our gods.─── 他想要背叛我 背叛我們的神

50 、Saint or sinner, saviour or betrayer, damned or redeemed, Ginny was created for a reason and has a pivotal role to play.───圣徒還是罪人,救世主還是背叛者,被詛咒還是被挽救,金妮由于一種原因被創(chuàng)造了,她必定會扮演一個關鍵的角色。

51 、Betrayer? In truth, it was I who was betrayed.───叛徒者?事實上,是他們背叛了我才對!

52 、Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: "The one I kiss is the man; arrest him and lead him away under guard.───賣耶穌的人曾給他們一個暗號,說:“我與誰親嘴,誰就是他。你們把他拿住,牢牢靠靠的帶去。

53 、Akama yells:I well deal with these mongrets!Strike now,friends!Strike at the Betrayer!───阿卡瑪:我來對付這些渣滓,進攻吧,朋友們,向伊利丹發(fā)起進攻!

54 、She will betray you, as she betrayed me.─── 她會背叛你的 正如她背叛我一樣

55 、3 Then Judas, his betrayer, seeing that Jesus had been condemned, deeply regretted what he had done. He returned the thirty pieces of silver 3 to the chief priests and elders,───這時,那出賣耶穌的猶達斯見他已被判決,就后悔了,把那三十塊銀錢,退還給司祭長和長老

56 、3 Then Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had been condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,───3這時候,賣耶穌的猶大看見耶穌已經定了罪,就后悔,把那三十塊錢拿回來給祭司長和長老,說:

57 、Betrayer.....In Trueth , it was I whos was betrayed !───我回家看了一點點,覺得韋德很讓人佩服的。

58 、She then met the so-called the betrayer of the country, Hu Lan Cheng, and started a romantic relationship with him.───在上海,成名的她跟一個被稱為漢奸的胡蘭成發(fā)生一段刻骨銘心的愛情。

59 、Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: 'The one I kiss is the man; arrest him.'───那賣耶穌的,給了他們一個暗號,說,我與誰親嘴,誰就是他。你們可以拿住他。

60 、brave, to learn loyalty, betrayer die;───膽大的要學會忠誠,背叛者必死;





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