
發(fā)布時間:2025-01-21 14:00:01



英:[tra?b]  美:[tra?b]

英:  美:


n.部落, 族, 一伙人


1 、Wendigo: A proud tribe, more honest than most.───一個驕傲的部族,比大多數(shù)部落都誠實些。

2 、The individuals extirpated, the tribe subsists.───個人被剔除,族類仍存在。

3 、And as for Moses the man of God, his sons were named among the tribe of Levi.───14至于神人摩西,他子孫的名字列在利未支派中。

4 、A Turk, especially a member of the family or tribe of Osman I.───土耳其人土耳其人,尤指奧斯曼一世的家族或部落里的土耳其人

5 、Alcohol is ( a ) taboo in this tribe.───在這個部落酒是禁忌品。

6 、The Galla tribe from Ethiopia used coffee, but not as a drink.───埃塞俄比亞的蓋拉族部落最開始使用咖啡,但不是用來飲用。

7 、The fifth lot came out for the tribe of Asher, clan by clan.───為亞設(shè)支派,按著宗族,拈出第五鬮。

8 、A member of the tribe of Levi but not descended from Aaron, chosen to assist the Temple priests.───利未人利未部落中非亞倫后裔,被選中去幫助祭司管理圣堂

9 、They are called coupon-crazed tribe.───他們被稱為“淘券族”。

10 、They were a warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia.───他們是居住在亞洲中心地區(qū)的一支好戰(zhàn)的部落。

11 、Brand new quest line for the Feron Tribe.───品牌的新追求線干擾素部落。

12 、The adoption had to be confirmed by ceremonial acceptance into the tribe.───為了確認這種收養(yǎng),必須舉行入族典禮。

13 、Outside the tribe was outside the law.───凡是部落以外的,便是不受法律保護的。

14 、In times of drought, the members of the tribe would consult the medicine man in the belief he could make it rain.───在干旱季節(jié),那些部落的人們總是請來巫師,相信他會使老天賜雨。

15 、He is cacique of this Indian tribe.───他是這個印第安部落的首領(lǐng)。

16 、A unique tribe and its culture face new challenges from the outside world.───一個奇特的部落和它的文化面臨外來新挑戰(zhàn)。

17 、At daybreak the men from the tribe appeared on the rocks overlooking the shore.───天亮的時候,部落里的人在巖石上出現(xiàn)了,他們在向海濱眺望。

18 、If she was in our tribe, she wouldn't just be some lackey.─── 如果她是我們部族的一員 她才不會只是個小嘍啰呢

19 、A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one's tribe or group.───同族意識,宗族主義強烈的對本宗族或集團的忠誠和情感上的認同感

20 、His book glance at the burial custom of the indian tribe.───他的著作簡略地提到印第安部落的殯葬習(xí)俗。

21 、The seventh lot came out for the tribe of Dan, clan by clan.───為但支派,按著宗族,拈出第七鬮。

22 、To do any less weakens the tribe as a whole.───為了保持部族的完整要做少量的削弱。

23 、He will publish his observation on the social life of these primitive tribe.───他將公布他對那些原始部落的社會生活觀察所得的資料。

24 、He had a sudden outburst against the whole tribe of actors.───他突然對所有的演員非常反感。

25 、Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Jephunneh.───6屬猶大支派的有耶孚尼的兒子迦勒。

26 、She should be with us, with her tribe, with her blood.─── 她應(yīng)該與族里的先輩們埋在一起 與她的血親在一起

27 、But as for Moses the man of God, his sons were named among the tribe of Levi.───代上23:14至于神人摩西、他的子孫、名字記在利未支派的冊上。

28 、For tribe, family, and honor, forward, sons of Great Gaul!───為了落族,家族與榮耀,奮勇向前,偉大的高廬之子!

29 、You're on an island with two tribes.─── 你在玩推理題 一切要靠智商推斷

30 、In this tribe, a man could knock off with any woman.───在這個部落,一個男人可和任何一個女人發(fā)生性關(guān)系。

31 、A medieval ruler of a Mongol, Tartar, or Turkish tribe.───可汗蒙古族、韃靼人或土耳其人在中世紀時的統(tǒng)治者

32 、Bring the tribe of Levi and present them to Aaron the priest to assist him.───6你使利未支派近前來、站在祭司亞倫面前好服事他。

33 、Samson was from the tribe of Dan.───參孫是屬但支派.

34 、The tribe confederate in the war against intruder.───在戰(zhàn)爭期間,各部隊聯(lián)合起來對抗入侵者。

35 、There are also smaller water tribe found in the Swamp regions.───也有一小部分水之部落居住在沼澤地區(qū)。

36 、Most nations derive from a single tribe or a single race.───大多數(shù)國家起源于單一的部落或單一的種族。

37 、Even when we become Buddhists, the tribe comes first.───哪怕成了佛教徒,也要以這個種群優(yōu)先。

38 、The Uighur, originally called Ouigour, sprang from the ancient tribe Teli.───回鶻,原稱回紇,是鐵勒(中國古族名)諸部之一。

39 、Brand New Models for some individuals and the Feron Tribe.───品牌的新模式的一些個人和干擾素部落。

40 、They saw life in the raw among those wild tribe.───他們在那些原始部落中看到了未開化的生活。

41 、Tribe man: Ah! Now we have our new tribe chief!───土著人:啊!我們有新一任酋長啦!

42 、If not I will eat all of people in your tribe!───不然我就把你們?nèi)柯涞娜硕籍旔x吃了!

43 、Cannot English on the announcement in you the tribe standard does with tows?───不會英文就公布在妳的部落格干嘛用拖的嗎?

44 、But chose the tribe of Judah, the mount Zion which he loved.───68卻揀選猶大支派,他所喜愛的錫安山。

45 、He was of the Tribe of Judah and his wife was a prophetess.───他是猶太部族的后裔,他的妻子是位女先知。

46 、Westbrook is starting to get on a roll for the Tribe.───衛(wèi)斯特布魯克最近提供印地安人很穩(wěn)定的先發(fā)表現(xiàn)。

47 、My tribe has been here for generations.─── 我的部落在這里生活很多代了

48 、He said his tribe was under a curse.───他說他的部落被下了詛咒。

49 、But he chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which he loved.───卻揀選猶大支派他所喜愛的錫安山;

50 、No other tribe was able to do that back then.─── 這在當時 其他部落是做不到的

51 、In the tribe, this archetype was the tribal “teacher”.───在部落中,這一原型是部落的“老師”。

52 、Of the tribe of Benjamin, Palti the son of Raphu.───9屬便雅憫支派的有拉孚的兒子帕提。

53 、The tribe cleaved to their old belief even after the European arrived.───即使在歐洲人到來之后,這些部落仍固守著它們古老的信仰。

54 、But worse still, the curse severed all contact with the ancestor-spirits of the tribe.───但是更糟的是詛咒切斷了所有他們與部族祖先靈魂的聯(lián)系。

55 、There warn't nobody around but the family and the widow Bartley and our tribe.───四周沒有別的什么人,只有家里的人,還有巴特雷**,還有我們這幫家伙。

56 、It was her tribe that turned her into this thing.─── 是她的部落把她變成這樣的

57 、And ye shall take one prince of every tribe, to divide the land by inheritance.───又要從每支派中選一個首領(lǐng)幫助他們。

58 、The tribe is now grouped in several gentes, generally two.───一個部落分為幾個氏族,通常是分為兩個;

59 、The poverty of the soil caused the tribe to migrate.───土壤貧瘠迫使這個部落移居他處。

60 、"Of the tribe of the sons of Issachar a leader, Paltiel the son of Azzan.───以薩迦支派、有一個首領(lǐng)、阿散的兒子帕鐵。

61 、You told me they were slaughtered tribe by tribe so that our ancestors could settle.─── 你告訴我他們的部落一個一個被滅掉 這樣我的祖先才能定居下來

62 、Surely not.It should be the saber of tribe around North Africa or Sudan.───可以肯定不是狗腿,應(yīng)該是北非或蘇丹那一帶附近部族的短刀。

63 、about being a leader, about our tribe, about... cyper.─── 關(guān)于如何當一名首領(lǐng) 關(guān)于我們的部族 關(guān)于 柏草

64 、He absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe.───他學(xué)習(xí)他部落的知識或教義。

65 、From every tribe of Israel send a thousand to the war.───從以色列眾支派中,每支派要打發(fā)一千人去打仗。

66 、Of the tribe of Benjamin, Elidad the son of Chislon.───21便雅憫支派有基斯倫的兒子以利達。

67 、The Hualapai tribe is one of the more enterprising in America.───華拉派部落在美國算是比較有事業(yè)心的了。

68 、And then there's me. I don't have a tribe.─── 最后還有我 不屬于任何一個群體

69 、But for the tribe of the upper-eastside of Manhattan, it takes just one person.───但是對曼哈頓上東區(qū)的富人來說,只需要一個人。

70 、The only tribe of Nilotic origin is the Luo.───唯一屬于尼羅特人的部落是盧奧人。

71 、One or two of the grandchildren will be there, but not the whole tribe.───一兩個孫子孫女會去那里,但并不是所有的人。

72 、FATA are Pakistani federally administor tribe areas along the Afghan border.───FATA是指沿阿富汗邊境的巴基斯坦聯(lián)邦管理部落區(qū)域。

73 、Legend has it that the Jiuli attacked Yandi's tribe.───傳說蚩尤部落為了擴大自己的地盤,同炎帝部落發(fā)生了戰(zhàn)爭。

74 、A tribe of artists live in Greenwich Village.───在格林尼治村住著許多藝術(shù)家。

75 、An older, influential member of a family, tribe, or community.───頭人,長輩在一個家庭、部落或團體里的年長且有影響力的人

76 、They had recently been raided by another tribe.───他們最近才剛遭另一部落襲擊。

77 、But Kenyans say members of the Kikuyu tribe have recently begun fighting back.───但是肯尼亞人說,基庫尤部落族的人最近開始反擊。

78 、Bleak landscapes with dark, gloomy beauty appeal to the tribe.───具有黑暗陰郁美景的荒涼之地對部族很有吸引力。

79 、The tribe cleave to their old belief even after the european arrive.───即使在歐洲人到來之後,這些部落仍固守著它們古老的信仰。

80 、Either of two basic units in cultural anthropology that make up a tribe on the basis of unilateral descent.───一個分支在文化人類學(xué)中,在單系血統(tǒng)基礎(chǔ)上構(gòu)成一個部落的兩個基本的部落分支的任意一個

81 、On the board behind bamboo are my Tayal tribe people.───呵呵呵!!偶泰雅族的族民就在后面的看板上!!別忘了偶是公主咩!!

82 、Use Daur language, belong to Altaic Mongolian tribe.───使用達斡爾語,屬阿爾泰語系蒙古語族。

83 、You see, we have the same problem that the tribes did.─── 當年部落面臨的問題 我們也遇到了

84 、From the tribe of Gad, Geuel the son of Machi.───15屬迦得支派的,是瑪基的兒子臼利。

85 、He was some hero of a neighboring tribe.───他是鄰近部族的一位英雄。

86 、Some of the tribe attacked settlers working in the fields.───一些部落會趁著開拓者在田野工作時,攻擊殖民者。

87 、Tribe man: Ehh? Why doesn't it fly? What's wrong?───土著人:挨?怎么飛不起來??!怎么回事!

88 、Faten approached a Bedouin tribe in Jericho, who took her in.───于是法特恩向耶利哥的一個貝多因部族求助,后者接受了她的請求。

89 、Then the tribe of Gad, with Eliasaph, son of Reuel, as their chief.───14又有迦得支派。丟珥的兒子以利雅薩作迦得人的首領(lǐng)。

90 、A tribe speaking a Uto-Aztecan language.───使用猶他-阿茲特克語族的部落




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