
發(fā)布時間:2024-12-24 19:50:02



英:[bl?'ke?d]  美:[blɑ?ked]

英:  美:


n.【C】封鎖, 阻礙物

vt.封鎖, 擋住


動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: blockading |動詞過去分詞: blockaded |動詞過去式: blockaded |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): blockades |名詞: blockader |


1 、It was quite some time before they break through the enemy's blockade.───他們花了好長時間才沖破敵人的封鎖線。

2 、Conclusion The study suggests that acupotomy combined with nerve blockade is able to ameliorate the cerebral blood flow from vertebrobasilar artery.───且較單純神經(jīng)阻滯增加明顯。小針刀和神經(jīng)阻滯治療可有效改善環(huán)枕筋膜攣縮引起的椎-基底動脈供血不足。

3 、The fact is that,on the founding of New China,the United States and Western countries began imposing an all-round blockade and embargo against the country.───事實上,從新中國成立起,美國和西方國家就對中國實行全面封鎖和禁運。

4 、Besides, the dashing blockade runners were bringing in these very things under the Yankees' disgruntled noses, and that made the possession of them many times more thrilling.───何況,那些冒險跑封鎖線的人還在北方佬遲鈍的鼻子底下不斷運進這些東西,并且使你一旦有了這些東西就加倍高興呢。

5 、The other car would turn onto Garibaldi from 202 and take the lead positon to protect us in case of a blockade.───另外那輛車馬上從202公路拐進加里波第大街,在前面開道,萬一堵車可以保護我們。

6 、We take him out, then the grounders lift the blockade.─── 如果我們把他殺了 地表人就會解除封鎖

7 、Everybody understands that without Red Army victories the economic blockade would be still tighter.───大家都明白,沒有紅軍的勝利,經(jīng)濟封鎖就要更加厲害。

8 、The foreign countries'attempt at a blockade of the port was unsuccessful.───外國試圖對這個港口實施封鎖,但沒有成功。

9 、Following a deal brokered by Germany, Estonia's ambassador left for a“ holiday” and the blockade ended as abruptly as it began.───在遵循了德國從中安排的計劃之后,愛沙尼亞的大使借口“度假”而離開了,而大使館四周的封鎖也很快地完結了,事情發(fā)生得快結束得也快。

10 、However, the blockade will do enormous harm to us if it lasts too long.───但封鎖太久了,對我則是極不利的。

11 、In the later Soviet period the enemy imposed a strict blockade on the Soviet areas,with the result that five grams of salt sold for one yuan.───在蘇維埃后期,敵人的封鎖很嚴重,鹽賣到一塊錢一錢。

12 、Blockades on every block, four blocks out.─── 封鎖所有街區(qū) 四周都封閉

13 、Today it is time for the second map presentation: Blockade Policy. A harbour in Montenegro is the focal point of this map.───今天我們展示第二幅地圖

14 、The summit was sure to go down the drain if we played our "hole card" of blockade against the area.───如果我們打出封鎖那地區(qū)這張“得分牌”,最高級會談肯定會告吹。

15 、"Now people are saying that anytime fundamentalists in India or in other regions of Jammu can cause an economic blockade in Kashmir.───人們現(xiàn)在認為,印度或者查謨其它地區(qū)的原教旨主義者隨時都可以在克什米爾發(fā)動經(jīng)濟封鎖。

16 、The Yankee gunboats had tightened the mesh at the ports and very few ships were now able to slip past the blockade.───北方炮艇對南方港口的封鎖已更加嚴密,能夠偷越的船只已很少很少了。

17 、Three weeks after the ceasefire, Israel says it will lift its sea and air blockade of Lebanon Thursday.───?;鸷笕?,以色列說星期四他們將加強對黎巴嫩海上和空中的封鎖。

18 、Conditions in Wilmington, the chief blockade port, now that Charleston's port was practically sealed by the Yankee gunboats, had reached the proportions of an open scandal.───在查爾斯頓港被北方炮艇嚴密封鎖以后,威爾明頓成了封鎖線貿易的主要港口,而那里的情況早已臭名昭著了。

19 、They stocked up on food and supplies in defiance of a crippling Israeli blockade.───他們沖破脆弱的以色列封鎖,儲備食品和物資。

20 、So the blockade of angioge nesis appears to be a promising avenue for the future treatment of RA.───因此抑制新生血管生成,尤其是抑制血管內皮生長因子,是治療類風濕關節(jié)炎的新方法。

21 、Telexstarred in the huge logistics effort for the airlift that supplied West Berlin during the Soviet blockade of 1948.───在1948年蘇聯(lián)對西柏林的封鎖中,電傳在為西柏林進行空運物流補給上發(fā)揮了重要的作用。

22 、they crashed on the other side of the blockade.─── 他們在路障的另一邊墜落了

23 、First, we need to break the naval blockade.─── 首先 我們得打破海上封鎖

24 、Dual blockade reversibly reduced glomerular filtration rate compared with monotherapy and placebo.───雙重阻斷劑更勝于單獨療法和安慰劑,可逆地減少了腎小球的濾過率。

25 、If the number of China's large surface ships (frigates and destroyers) continues to increase, such a blockade would be easier.───如果中國大型水面艦艇(驅逐艦和護衛(wèi)艦)的數(shù)量繼續(xù)上升,這樣的封鎖將會更容易。

26 、The ICRC again urged Israel to lift the blockade it imposed after the Islamist Hamas Movement took power in Gaza in 2007.Tim Franks reports.───國際紅十字會再次敦促以色列撤除因2007年伊斯蘭哈馬斯運動占領加沙而設置的路障。

27 、One that penetrates or evades a blockade.───偷渡者穿過或偷越封鎖線的人

28 、They are threatening to impose a blockade on the country.───他們威脅說要對該國實行封鎖。

29 、He accordingly directed that preparations be made to put the blockade into effect on Monday.───他于是指示:作好準備,使封鎖在星期一生效。

30 、Therefore, on the one hand, America emphasized military intervention, on the other hand, through food diplomacy and food blockade, America strove to realize its desire peacefully.───為此,美國一方面強調軍事干預,另一方面又通過糧食外交、糧食封鎖的方式來和平地實現(xiàn)美國的愿望。

31 、To take another example, they will incite the Chinese reactionaries, and even throw in their own forces, to blockade China's ports.───例如,唆使中國反動派,甚至加上他們自己的力量,封鎖中國的海港。

32 、There were ambiguities, however, about how rigorous the blockade would be, particularly whether it would apply to non-Israeli flag vessels.───但是封鎖應當嚴厲到何種程度卻并不具體,尤其是是否適用于不**以色列國旗的船只。

33 、Antiseptic solutions for central neuraxial blockade: which concentration of chlorhexidine in alcohol should we use?───中樞神經(jīng)阻滯時溶解于酒精中的防腐劑氯己定濃度應該為多少?

34 、The Kuomintang tried to strangle us by cutting off the funds due to us and imposing an economic blockade; we were indeed in dire straits.───國民黨用停發(fā)經(jīng)費和經(jīng)濟封鎖來對待我們,企圖把我們困死,我們的困難真是大極了。

35 、The Terai lot successfully agitated for improved terms in February through a two-week blockade of Kathmandu.───Terai地區(qū)的民眾通過在2月份對加德滿都發(fā)起一場為期兩周的封鎖活動,成功地迫使對方修改協(xié)議。

36 、Set up a blockade and arrest any resisters.─── 設立封鎖線 逮捕一切反抗者

37 、So devoted were the Wookiees to their homeworld, that many would brave the blockade to revisit their cherished forests for key Wookiee holidays.───但是伍基人深愛著故土,他們中有很多人會在重要的伍基節(jié)日到來時穿越封鎖回到為他們所摯愛的森林中去。

38 、No units or individuals shall maintain regional and departmental blockade to monopolize sources of customers and freight.───任何單位和個人均不得實行地區(qū)或部門封鎖,壟斷客源、貨源。

39 、But the Russian who took an important role in the blockade system enterded to get rid of the system which was not gook for themselves.───但由于在拿破侖的大陸封鎖制度中具有舉足輕重地位的沙皇俄國從自身的利益出發(fā),企圖擺脫大陸封鎖體系。

40 、Blockade doesn't apply to me, my ship, or my crew.─── 防線不能限制我 我的飛船和手下

41 、In August 1938 after Germany annexed Austria, the Federal Council ordered a blockade of the border.───1938年8月德國吞并奧地利后,聯(lián)邦理事會下令封鎖邊境。

42 、Hamas spokesman dismissed the Israeli action to ease the blockade saying Palestinian militants will continue to attack Israel.───哈馬斯的發(fā)言人對以色列放松封鎖的行動不予理睬,說巴勒斯坦激進分子將繼續(xù)襲擊以色列。

43 、For this purpose,they have pursued a ruthless policy of economic blockade,in addition to organizing forces for military campaigns of "encirclement and suppression".───因此,他們不但組織了武裝力量進行軍事上的“圍剿”,而且在經(jīng)濟上實行殘酷的封鎖政策。

44 、Nor do we have the stores to maintain this blockade for long.─── 沒有儲蓄物資 我們也不能堵在這里太久

45 、Israeli activist Jeff Halper, who was also on board, says that does not justify the Israeli blockade.───以色列的活動人士哈爾珀也在這些越過封鎖線的船上。他說,火箭襲擊并不能成為以色列實行封鎖的正當理由。

46 、Blockade of downstream microglial actiation with anti-inflammatory agents might represent another therapeutic strategy, adds Benowitz.───以后注意請按中英文對照格式將譯文貼出,以便其他戰(zhàn)友閱讀、糾錯。

47 、The ICRC again urged Israel to lift the blockade it imposed after the Islamist Hamas Movement took power in Gaza in 2007.───國際紅十字會再次敦促以色列移除2007年伊斯蘭哈馬斯運動占領加沙以來設置的路障。

48 、As for instance, right after Fort Sumter fell and before the blockade was established, I bought up several thousand bales of cotton at dirt-cheap prices and ran them to England.───舉例說,在薩姆特要塞剛剛陷落而封鎖線還沒有建成的時候,我以濫賤的價格買進了幾千包棉花,并把它們運往英國。

49 、Mitomycin activates p38MAPK, p38MAPK protected RBE cells from apoptosis induced by mitomycin, the blockade of p38 could inhance mitomycin-induced apoptosis.───絲裂霉素可以活化p38MAPK通路 ,p38MAPK可能起到保護膽管癌RBE細胞逃避絲裂霉素誘導的凋亡 ,阻斷該通路可增強絲裂霉素誘導膽管癌細胞凋亡的作用。

50 、At the second meeting the balance of opinion clearly swung back to the blockade.───在第二次會議上,意見顯然傾向于采用封鎖。

51 、The communique requests that the US respect the territorial integrity of Cuba, return the Guantanamo military base to Cuba, and immediately stop the blockade.───公報要求美國尊重古巴的領土完整,把關塔那摩軍事基地還給古巴,并立即停止封鎖。

52 、If blockade did not work, the Americans retained the option of millitary action.───如果封鎖不發(fā)生作用,美國人保有選擇軍事行動的自由。

53 、Israel has allowed a one-day delivery of food and fuel to the Gaza Strip, partially lifting a nearly week-long blockade of the territory.───以色列允許一天的時間給加沙地帶運輸食品和燃料,部分解除了對這個地區(qū)將近一個星期的封鎖。

54 、If blockade did not work, the Americans retained the option of military action.───如果封鎖不發(fā)生作用,美國人保有選擇軍事行動的自由。

55 、Fighting in the very heart of the most populous nation on earth, the Celestial Reds had for nine years been isolated by a news blockade as effective as a stone fortress.───天朝的紅軍在地球上人口最多的國度的腹地進行著戰(zhàn)斗,九年以來一直遭到銅墻鐵壁一樣嚴密的新聞封鎖而與世隔絕。

56 、In 1949, the Soviet Union announced an end to the Berlin Blockade.───1949年的今天,蘇聯(lián)宣布柏林封鎖正式結束.

57 、The mechanism of the hypotensive effect of DTI was believed to be related to its ganglionic blockade action.───DTI的降壓作用機制主要與其對神經(jīng)節(jié)的阻斷作用有關。

58 、No'm, dem air ain' sto's, dey's blockade awfisses.───不,**,那不是商店,是實施封鎖辦事處。

59 、They assumed that the blockade would be lifted.───他們估計封鎖將會解除。

60 、In other news, a British airline says it will break Israel's air blockade of Lebanon later today by flying directly into Beirut.───在其他方面,一家英國航空公司表示,星期三晚些時候將打破以色列對黎巴嫩的空中封鎖,直飛貝魯特。

61 、At stake was whether or not Britain would be isolated and starved of food and war supplies by the German submarine blockade.───關與否,英國將被孤立和饑餓的食物和戰(zhàn)爭物資的德國潛艇封鎖。

62 、One disadvantage of regional anesthesia is the occasional failure to produce adequate anesthesia; another is hypotension due to sympathetic blockade.───區(qū)域**的缺點之一是偶爾不能獲得滿意的**,另外一個缺點是交感阻滯引起的低血壓。

63 、While you and your little fleet of rejects blockade their harbor.─── 你和你那被拋棄的小艦隊 就去封鎖他們的港口吧

64 、But Hamas says it will not stop the rocket fire and other attacks unless Israel opens border crossings into Gaza and lifts its crippling blockade.───但是哈馬斯說,如果以色列不開放進入加沙的邊界過境點,不解除嚴重損害加沙的封鎖,他們就不會停止火箭和其它襲擊。

65 、BRS of blood pressure control (BRS BP ) was measured by comparing the pressor responses to phenylephrine before and after the blockade of baroreflex efferent pathway.───化學切除自主神經(jīng)阻斷壓力反射傳出通路后,比較靜注去氧腎上腺素后的升壓曲線下面積差異,測定壓力反射對血壓的控制功能(BRSBP)。

66 、China could also use those missiles to blockade Taiwan by interdicting ships going to and from the island.───之后的時間,中國的戰(zhàn)略保持不變:緩慢但系統(tǒng)地獲取外部地區(qū)的控制權以保護中原地區(qū)不受游牧民族騎兵的侵擾。

67 、Taiwan boasts its fifth foreign exchange reserves, which can help cope with difficulties because of economic and military blockade.───臺灣外匯存底為列世界第五,可以有助於對付因經(jīng)濟和軍事封鎖而產生的困難。

68 、Then they blockade the island, choke off trade.─── 然后他們封鎖全島 禁止交易

69 、Even the Imperial blockade could not keep Wookiees from recognizing this most important day.───即使是帝國的封鎖也不能阻止武技族對這個最重要日子的認定。

70 、They ran a blockade and got to the border.───他們闖過封鎖線來到邊境地區(qū)。

71 、His orders were to blockade the city into submission, starve the defenders or wipe them out.───他的命令要求嚴密封鎖這座城市,使之不戰(zhàn)而降,餓死或消滅它的保護者。

72 、In order to strike a blow at the smugglers, the police established a naval blockade.───為了堅決打擊偷渡犯罪,警方建立了嚴密的海上封鎖線。

73 、The Arab League held an emergency session to ask the international community to increase pressure on Israel to lift the blockade.───以色列表示,他們對加沙地帶進行封鎖是為了制止從加沙地帶向以色列進行的火箭襲擊。

74 、The enemy blockade has made it difficult for us to market goods outside our areas.───因為敵人的封鎖,使得我們的貨物出口發(fā)生困難。

75 、He disguised himself as a merchant and managed to pass through the blockade line.───他化裝成商人,混過了封鎖線。

76 、China began developing its own space program during the period of embargo and blockade by Western countries.───中國航天事業(yè)開始于西方國家禁運和封鎖的時代。

77 、Second, it unjustifiably excludes Cuba without mentioning the general consensus that exists in the region to condemn the blockade .───其次,它毫無道理地將古巴排除在外,并且不顧該地區(qū)譴責封鎖的普遍輿論?!?/p>

78 、The government brought in goods by air to beat the blockade.───為戰(zhàn)勝封鎖政府用空運進口貨物。

79 、Andersen As Captain, I will now form a provisional battle fleet. The enemy's built a blockade with their fleet in front of us.───作為一名艦長,我現(xiàn)在宣布成立一支臨時作戰(zhàn)艦隊。敵軍艦隊在我們的正前方用他們的船只布下了封鎖線。

80 、"Pudendal nerve blockade is administered at the sacrospinous ligament and provides highly effective anesthesia to these areas.───會陰神經(jīng)阻斷**施用在刺狀薦骨韌帶,可提供這些區(qū)域相當有效的**效果。

81 、Egyptian authorities opened the border with Gaza for the first time in months, partially easing a crippling blockade.───埃及有關當局幾個月來第一次開放了通往加沙的過境點,一定程度上放松給加沙造成嚴重損害的邊界封鎖。

82 、Intruders have entered the blockade; High-speed mobile units are closing in.───入侵者已經(jīng)突破了最后的防線,有個高速物體正在接近中。

83 、The key tasks for 2001 also called for breaching regional blockade and departmental and trade monopoly.───2001年的整頓和規(guī)范市場經(jīng)濟秩序的重點任務中,還有打破地區(qū)封鎖和部門、行業(yè)壟斷尚未部署,將在適當時間安排。

84 、Israel's first move was to impose an air and naval blockade on Lebanon.───以色列的第一步行動是對黎巴嫩進行空中和海上的封鎖。

85 、Israel lifted its air blockade of Lebanon on Thursday.───以色列星期四解除了對黎巴嫩的空中封鎖。

86 、Some farmers brought their cows and tractors to blockade government buildings across the country including Brittany, the Loire Valley, and Alsace.───一些奶農帶著自己的奶牛和拖拉機封鎖了全國各地政府大樓,其中包括布列塔尼、盧瓦爾河谷和阿爾薩斯。

87 、She also led the campaign to end the US economic blockade of Russia.───她也領導結束美國對俄羅斯經(jīng)濟封鎖的運動。

88 、Surprised, she realized that keeping physically busy is the most effective blockade against totally mental activity human beings can erect.───她驚奇地發(fā)現(xiàn)保持肉體的忙碌是抵抗人類所建立的精神活動的有效的方法。

89 、A tight blockade cut Napoleon's supply lines.───嚴密的封鎖切斷了拿破侖的補給線。

90 、I am afraid we cannot break the blockade for you.─── 我恐怕我們無法為您沖破封鎖




柏林危機共有三次,第一次發(fā)生于1948年,又稱“柏林封鎖(Berlin Blockade)”,是冷戰(zhàn)開始后其中一個最早發(fā)生的危機,其導火線為1948年6月24日蘇聯(lián)阻塞鐵路和到柏林西部的通道,至1949年5月12日蘇聯(lián)宣布解除封鎖,停止行動之后,危機緩和。



第二次世界大戰(zhàn)后,蘇聯(lián)、美國、英國、法國四國因對西柏林法律地位的爭執(zhí)而引起的三次國際危機。根據(jù)1945年《蘇英美三國雅爾塔會議公報》《蘇美英三國柏林波茨坦會議議定書 》及其他有關文件規(guī)定 ,在德國投降后,由蘇、美、英、法四國分區(qū)占領德國和柏林。上述文件還規(guī)定了處置戰(zhàn)后德國政治、經(jīng)濟的基本原則,以防止其再發(fā)動戰(zhàn)爭,危害世界和平。