
發(fā)布時間:2024-08-25 02:08:57



英:['ske?tb?:d??]  美:['ske?tb?:d??]

英:  美:



n.滑板運動, 踩滑板


動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: skateboarding |動詞過去式: skateboarded |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): skateboards |名詞: skateboarder |動詞過去分詞: skateboarded |


1 、Say you broke it skateboarding or something.─── 就說是玩滑板或什么時摔斷的

2 、Check this out: 8,250 USD for a Louis Vuitton skateboard which probably has shoddy trucks, bearings and wheels.Not to mention the board is "designed" with pink Louis Vitton grafitti.───8250美元的路易威登滑板,也許使用的都是偽劣的橋,軸承和輪子,更不用提它那經(jīng)過路易威登"設(shè)計"的粉色涂鴉板面。

3 、It were the sight of IT groom, racing facings the church on a strange-seeing skateboard.───她看見了新郎,他正踩著一塊奇形怪狀的滑板朝教堂沖來。

4 、When it comes to dusk, the street becomes lively, men drinking beer, housekeepers walking dogs, kids playing skateboarding, and mothers pushing buggies.It is a kind of comfortable and harmonious life.───人們在這里盡情享受生活,下班后進(jìn)入黃昏,便有喝酒的,溜狗的,滑板的,推嬰兒車的,一片祥和安逸的景象。

5 、There are a lot of glass-made items on display, such as this skateboard.───嗰度有好多玻璃造嘅展品,例如呢個滑板啦。

6 、A new clip of Transworld Skateboarding’s new video “The Now” from TWS, we find Shenzhen Spots again.───(continue reading for watch the video) Transworld Skateboarding 的新片The Now又公布了一小段預(yù)告片,其中全部為深圳的地形。

7 、I am going to see my aunt this evening. He isn't going to play skateboarding tomorrow. Are you going to make a volleyball team?───主要用于表示現(xiàn)在的意圖,即打算在最近或?qū)硪瞿呈隆?/p>

8 、Daniel, that woman is holding a skateboard.─── 丹尼爾 那個女的拿著個滑板哎

9 、Rogowski enjoyed rock-star status as skateboarding made a perilous (and unconvincing) transition from subculture to mainstream, but his career ended when he was convicted of murder in 1991.───一些人將倫敦南岸的滑板手視為一種威脅;對我來說,他們則是藝術(shù)家。

10 、Ralph, Jr. arrives at the store on his skateboard.───小拉爾夫滑著滑板來到店里。

11 、Give me skateboarding or give me de───上帝派我來玩滑板!我對上帝說

12 、The Wheels --- Happy youth with skateboard───快樂的滑板青年

13 、Katherine Moennig preferred climbing trees and skateboarding to playing with tea sets as a tomboy growing up in Philadelphia, PA.───凱瑟琳-莫寧成長于賓夕法尼亞洲的費城。相比鄰家女孩熱衷的小玩意兒她更喜歡爬樹和溜滑板,儼然一個假小子。

14 、At Central Plaza, skateboard users are about the only people one sees now, and litter and defaced property have made the plaza unattractive.───眾所周知平均而言,新商業(yè)比有一定歷史的行業(yè)更容易失敗,因此去年的商業(yè)失敗不應(yīng)該被看作是經(jīng)濟狀況變壞的跡象。

15 、It is illegal to bike, roller-skate, skateboard, or inline skate in a commercially zoned area.───在商業(yè)區(qū)騎腳踏車、輪式溜冰、溜滑板或溜直排輪是違法的。

16 、He wants to buy a skateboard.───他想去買滑板。

17 、FOUR TEENAGERS (15) play football in the street. The noise of SKATEBOARDING WHEELS comes closer and closer. The teenagers stop and listen. They exchange worried looks and hide behind a tree.───四個十幾歲的小男孩(15歲)正在街上踢足球?;遢喿踊瑒拥脑肼曉絹碓浇D泻⒆觽兺O聛砺犞?。他們焦急地相互看了看,躲到了一棵大樹后。

18 、To ride a skateboard you push off with one foot, and then stand on the board and balance.───使用滑板時,用一只腳往前推,然后維持平衡的站在滑板上.

19 、Ok, so you want to start skateboarding, the first thing you need to do is the gear.───你想開始玩滑板,首先要買好裝備。

20 、A group of teenage skateboard riders are aggressively recreationally-orienting over a suburban school's downhill banked asphalt playground.───一群年青的溜冰板的滑板者,在郊外一所學(xué)校的斜坡上自由地、瘋狂地滑翔。

21 、the sport of skating on a skateboard.───在溜冰板上溜冰的運動。

22 、It swiftly became clear, however, that it was as much of a contest as pitting a Ferrari against a clamped skateboard.───很快局勢就明了了,在爭奪中費拉里摔倒在地。

23 、an open-minded 29 year old with a strong passion for skateboarding and art!───一個開明的29歲具有強烈熱愛滑板和藝術(shù)!

24 、He can't hoop or do a skateboard if he's dead.─── 要是他死了 就沒法投籃或者?;辶?/p>

25 、To have more time to skateboard, my grandfather retired.───為了有更多時間滑滑板,我爺爺退休了。

26 、Who taught me how to ride a skateboard when I was nine.─── 九歲時 他教會我玩滑板

27 、I know I've got a skateboard with snakes on.─── 我拿到了一個上面盤著蛇的滑板

28 、Underneath the piazza there would be an underground area for teenagers, such as facilities for skateboarding, graffiti and hip-hopping.───廣場地下將設(shè)有年青人設(shè)施,包括滑板場、涂鴉墻及搖擺舞音樂表演場地。

29 、A typical riddle which Koza subjected to this cure was how to balance a broom on a skateboard.───一個采用了柯扎這種解決辦法的經(jīng)典謎題(riddle)是如何讓一個掃把在滑板上保持平衡。

30 、But does he snowboard and skateboard and stuff like that? -Yeah, they are pretty good athletes, obviously...look at their Dad, so...───但他進(jìn)行雪板和滑板等類似活動嗎?-是的,他們是很好的運動員,很明顯...看看他們的父親,所以...

31 、Skateboarding started to go down.In the mid of 90s, it was like the end of skateboarding in HK.───不過這股熱潮因為市場影向而漸漸沒落,直至九零年代中期,香港的滑板簡直是到了谷底。

32 、School buses let kids out. Ralph, Jr. arrives on his skateboard, nearly running into two GIRLS who jump out of his way at the last minute.───孩子們從校車上下來。小拉爾夫站上滑板,差點撞上兩個突然跳進(jìn)來的女孩。

33 、Cos enjoyment of doing what you wanna do all the way through---that's the beauty of skateboarding.───因為你在做你喜歡做的事情時所享受的樂趣才是滑板的真諦。

34 、You are active, snowboard, skateboard, travel, maintain a relationship, and you are my keeper, always checking up to make sure I am OK.───您活躍,滑雪,滑板,旅行,保持關(guān)系,你是我的守護者,總是隨時檢查,確保我OK沒事。

35 、How often do you go skateboarding? I go skateboarding once or twice a week.───你多久去玩一次滑板?我一周玩一到兩次。

36 、Snowboarding is a relatively new winter sport wherein you ride an epoxy-fiberglass board( resembling a large skateboard) with your feet strapped on it, and manipulate gravity to go down a ski slope or a specially constructed pipe.───“單板滑雪在60年代發(fā)展起來,被認(rèn)為是起源于美國,在那里,很多創(chuàng)新者考量在雪地上作沖浪的動作。

37 、He stole a skateboard from our neighbor.─── 他從我們鄰居那兒偷了一塊滑板

38 、Calvin was a highly ambulatory patient; not only did he refuse to be confined to bed, but also he insisted on riding his skateboard up and down the halls.───卡爾文是個完全可走動的病人;他不僅拒不臥床,還堅持踩滑板在客廳滑來滑去。

39 、Stealing that little boy's skateboard was really cold blooded. You even don't know how to ride it.───你都不知道怎么滑就偷人家小男孩的滑板,你可真夠差勁的。

40 、Skateboarding is the most popular among all X-Game in Hong Kong.Since you don't need any crazy gear, what you need is a skateboard and a flat ground.That's it.───因為你不需要其他特別裝備,不需要去任何地方,只要有一塊滑板及一個平地,便可以感受一下滑流的滋味了。

41 、Also a skateboarding game featuring more real, just skip some boxes and obstacles.───又一個滑板游戲,這款比較真實,只是跳過一些箱子和障礙物。

42 、He wants to have a skateboard.───他想要一塊滑板。

43 、Rad moves on a skateboard.───在滑雪板上的大幅動作

44 、The skateboard on the carpet rolls down the hall.───地毯上的滑板在走廊里滾動。

45 、A calculator and a skateboard!───一個計算器和一個溜冰板!

46 、The 12-foot-high chain link fence enclosing the yard bears a sign which explicitly states "SKATEBOARDING PROHIBITED BY LAW." An L.A.P.───一個12英尺高的臺階有著圍欄的保護,明顯地寫著一句警告性標(biāo)語:法律禁止溜冰板。

47 、Oh, it could have become outdated, the following will lead the skateboard kid you went into the game world, to know, skateboards can be smoothly transport Oh!───呵呵,那早就落伍了,下面將由滑板小子帶領(lǐng)您一起進(jìn)入他的游戲世界,要知道,滑板一樣可以成為順手的交通工具哦!

48 、But I bought that cool skateboard poster.─── 但那個很酷的滑板海報是我買的

49 、N.B. To use the skateboard ramp, or some outdoor activities, please contact the office as a SEPARATE FORM must be filled in.───如若使用滑板設(shè)施及某些戶外活動,除填寫本表格外,亦需多填一份表格。(請親臨寫字樓索取。

50 、Skate-board To ride a skateboard you push off with one foot, and then stand on the board and balance.───使用滑板時,用一只腳往前推,然后維持平衡的站在滑板上。

51 、He also wrote Lords of Dogtown, a fictionalized retelling of the members of the Zephyr professional skateboarding team.───并且從60年代全黑人黑幫說起,一直講到社區(qū)黑幫的現(xiàn)狀。

52 、It was called "butt boarding" or, sometimes, "land luge", "road luge" or simply "downhill skateboarding".───開始叫“緩沖板”,或者有時候叫“陸地雪橇”、“公路雪橇”,或者直接叫“斜坡溜冰板”。

53 、Hobbies: Basketball, Tennis, Tischtennis, Freestyle Skateboarding, Lesen, viel Zeit mit Freunden verbringen───興趣愛好:籃球,網(wǎng)球,乒乓球,滑板,看書,和朋友們一起

54 、Doctor: Ah, Doctor Bates, I need your Spanish. Tell her it's a simple fracture...she should give up skateboarding.───醫(yī)生:貝茨醫(yī)生,請用西班牙語說,這是骨折,但他必須停止滑冰。

55 、You find premium leathers, lots of patent and other premium details on the Supra NS collection, which brings the brand from the skateboard to the street, at least that's the idea.───您發(fā)現(xiàn)優(yōu)質(zhì)皮革、許多專利和在上NS收藏的其他優(yōu)質(zhì)細(xì)節(jié),給街道,至少帶來從滑板的品牌是想法。

56 、This summer you're teaching me how to skateboard.─── 今年夏天你要教我怎么玩滑板

57 、Ketika musim dingin, papan skateboard hampir tidak dapat digunakan dimanapun, ski ini memiliki pisau metal, dapat berbelok, meluncur atau naik dan turun, turunnya salju bukan suatu hambatan lagi.───在冬天的時候,似乎滑板已經(jīng)完全沒用處,這個有金屬刃的滑雪橇吧,同樣可以讓你在轉(zhuǎn)彎、翻滾或者在斜坡上下自如,下雪問題根本不是你的困擾。

58 、A letter concerning Mini-motor Cycles, Motor-driven Bicycle and Motor-driven Skateboard───關(guān)于小型電單車、電動單車及電動滑板的信件

59 、Ralph, Jr. reaches the house, stops and, with one foot, catapults skateboard to his hand. He looks around, confused. Reporters swarm around him.───小拉爾夫來到房子前,停下,用一只腳把滑板往上彈到手里。他環(huán)顧著四周,一臉的困惑。記者們把他團團圍住。

60 、In a recent survey of downtown merchants, the majority supported a prohibition on skateboarding in the plaza.───在最近一次對鬧市區(qū)商戶的調(diào)查中,大多數(shù)人都支持禁止在廣場玩滑板。

61 、The package is dedicated to the skate scenes that created and nurtured the culture and style of modern skateboarding.───城市系列映射了現(xiàn)代滑板運動的文化和個性,行推出這四大城市的限定配色款。

62 、Derived from surfing and influenced also by skateboarding as well as skiing, snowboarding began to burgeon among young people in the U.───從沖浪運動演化而來,并同時受到滑板運動和滑雪的影響。

63 、In Miami, Florida, it is illegal to skateboard in a police station.───佛羅里達(dá)州的邁阿密規(guī)定,在警察局玩溜滑板是非法的。

64 、Sfip Sheet is made by corrugated paper or fiberboard.There are one or more clip wings on one side or many sides.───一種以實質(zhì)纖維板,于其一邊或多邊制作或附有夾翼,供作墊物使用之滑板。

65 、Go Skateboarding Day is a cooperative of decentralized events that take place around the globe.───世界滑板日當(dāng)天,世界各地都舉行了相關(guān)的的慶?;顒幽軌颉?/p>

66 、S.My district is Mississauga Valleys.I paintball, snowboard, airsoft, skateboard, and do other dumb shit.───個人簡介:I live in the City of Mississauga, I got to Father Micheal Goetz S.

67 、Element Skateboards has issued limited edition TOMS+Element shoes as well as a One for One skateboard.───同時它具備很好的防輻射(手機、電腦、電視產(chǎn)生的輻射)功效。

68 、Ralph, Jr. races his skateboard down the street. He is wearing a headband, a T-shirt, and shorts that reveal muscular, scaly legs.───小拉爾夫沿著街道滑著滑板。他扎著頭巾,穿著一件T恤,短褲下露出肌肉強健、覆著鱗片的大腿。

69 、Change into a skateboard, broom, mallet, cannon, flyswatter, propeller beanie and a cloud.───可以使用各種不同的漸變工具,變成溜冰板,掃帚,槌棒,蒼蠅拍,或則云朵。

70 、So all over America, young people started skateboarding and bicycling.───在美國,年輕人開始玩兒滑板和自行車運動。

71 、There are flecks of skateboard paint in your closet.─── 你的櫥柜里有蹭掉的滑板上的漆

72 、AF: I always knew I'd be a skateboarder, that's all I wanted to be. And here I am traveling the world, skateboarding and what do you know.───我一直覺得我會是一個滑板者,這就是所有我想的.現(xiàn)在我周游世界,滑板.

73 、Because the stellar debris is ejected with more power to one side, the neutron star at the middle is kicked in the opposite direction, just as a skateboard skids away when you jump off it.───因為恒星的碎片大都被彈射至同一邊,位在中間的中子星便被踢向相反的一邊,正如同你從滑板上跳下來時所發(fā)生的情況一樣。

74 、LL: That? I wiped out on my skateboard when I was a kid and fell down some steps. I was lucky I wasn't seriously hurt.───你小時候從滑板上摔下好幾個臺階?你沒有嚴(yán)重受傷,真算你運氣。你該帶防護帽。我從自行車上摔下來的時候要是沒帶防護帽,那我就慘了,很可能會嚴(yán)重受傷。

75 、Stealing that little boy's skateboard was really cold blooded.You even don't know how to ride it.───你都不知道怎么滑就偷人家小男孩的滑板,你可真夠差勁的。

76 、Unlike skateboarding (which parkour resembles in some ways), the only equipment required for parkour is a good pair of shoes.───與滑板不同(跑酷某些方面與滑板類似),跑酷所需的唯一工具就是一雙好鞋。

77 、Unfortunately there is no skateboarding mode in the xbox version of substance.───多想用它來放松一下啊,哪位高手來指教一下,非常感謝!

78 、They can go to skateboard parks,to swimming pools or to video arcades.───他們可去滑板場、游泳池或去游樂中心玩電子游戲機。

79 、Snowboarding is a relatively new winter sport wherein you ride an epoxy-fiberglass board (resembling a large skateboard) with your feet strapped on it, and manipulate gravity to go down a ski slope or a specially constructed pipe.───單板滑雪在60年代發(fā)展起來,被認(rèn)為是起源于美國,在那里,很多創(chuàng)新者考量在雪地上作沖浪的動作。

80 、Students are not permitted to play balls, rollerblade, rollerskate or play skateboard inside or outside the classrooms.───六、教室內(nèi)必須保持整潔.在教室使用后,每班的負(fù)責(zé)董事應(yīng)檢查教室已經(jīng)還原.

81 、The SOUND of SKATEBOARD WHEELS in the distance startles Ralph, Sr., who walks to window to look out. SOUND stops outside back door.───大拉爾夫走到窗前,望出窗外,滑板輪子的聲音遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)地便把他給驚嚇住了。聲音在后門停了下來。

82 、A wheeled craft exhibits a different effect: when a skateboard is pushed in some direction it will tend to redirect the resultant motion along that which it is free to roll-- we'll call this effect linear deflection.───不同的輪胎工藝,不同的結(jié)果.當(dāng)滑板被推向某個方向的時候,它會朝它可以自由旋轉(zhuǎn)的方向前進(jìn).我們將此效應(yīng)稱為:線性偏轉(zhuǎn).

83 、The partnership-pursuing Scales will seek out mental sports played in pairs or activities that put their balance to the test; for example, gymnastics, figure skating, handball or skateboarding.───崇尚團隊合作的天秤喜歡體操、花樣滑冰、手球、滑板等考驗平衡性的運動或雙人運動。

84 、Status update: Meh, skateboard...a LITTLE more imaginative pleeeease. Thanks anyway, mom.───厄,溜冰板...想象力再豐富點吧...

85 、It’s impossible to continue to mentally balance your check book while you’re trying to avoid smashing into the skateboarding teen who just careened off the side walk.───你不可能一邊念著自家的賬本,一邊還能甩方向盤避讓人行道沖出來的滑板小子。

86 、“We go bowling or skateboarding.───“我們?nèi)ネ姹}g球或滑板。

87 、The International Olympic Committee said Friday it has held discussions with cycling's world governing body about introducing skateboarding as a discipline for the London program.───國際奧委會周五就將滑板項目列入2012年倫敦奧運會正式比賽項目一事與國際自行車協(xié)會進(jìn)行了商討。

88 、To reduce the car, switch to the bus, if we just want to close, you can choose to walk, bicycle, skateboard, or the same as the walrus, you can swim.───減少自駕,改乘公車,如果我們只是要到不遠(yuǎn)的地方,可以選擇步行,自行車,滑板,或者像海象一樣,可以游泳。

89 、to reclaim skateboarding culture;───宣傳滑板文化;

90 、I was an idiot. I tried skateboarding.─── 我犯傻 居然去嘗試滑滑板


skateboard加ing是因為組成固定短語 go skateboarding , 普通的時候不應(yīng)加。


