英:['?mpl?] 美:['?mpl?]
英: 美:
adv.足夠地, 詳細地, 充分地
thoroughly | liberally |fully | sufficiently | copiously | abundantly | richly | adequately
1 、“Were there nothing else in Nepal, save the Durbar Square of Bhatgaon ( Bhaktapur), it would still be amply worth making a journey halfway round the globe to see.───”(“即使尼泊爾什么也沒有,只有巴德崗的杜巴廣場,也值得我們跨越半個地球來到這里。”)
2 、Every accusation against him has been amply proved, and they have been endorsed and re-endorsed by his own eloquent silence till at this day he stands forever convicted.───對他的每條控告都有證據(jù),并且那種足以說明問題的沉默一再承認了他的罪狀,現(xiàn)在他永遠翻不了案了。
3 、He meant to provide for me amply, and thought he had done it;but when the living fell, it was given elsewhere.───他要使我衣食豐裕,而且他自以為已經(jīng)做到了這一點,可是等到牧師職位有了空缺的時候,卻落到別人名下去了?!?/p>
4 、Secondly, the paper shows the structure and the function of this system.Thirdly, the paper amply illuminates the structure of system hardware.───其次介紹了系統(tǒng)的整體構思和功能,再其次詳細說明整套系統(tǒng)的硬件組成;
5 、As you so amply demonstrated for most of her life.─── <font color=#00d8f8>??</font>
6 、I will take care that my obligation to you shall be amply repay.───我一定會加倍報答您對我的恩惠。
7 、Those who have made outstanding contribution should be amply rewarded.───對有特殊貢獻的,要給以重獎。
8 、Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances?- Parasol patio heaters? - Flueless radiant heaters for outdoor or amply ventilated area use; German version EN───專用液化石油氣設備規(guī)范。傘式庭院加熱器。戶外和較大
9 、The abbey was amply provisioned.───寺院中食物應有盡有。
10 、amply supplemented module───富足補模
11 、He apologized amply for his suddenness.───他因自己的唐突而深表歉意。
12 、Like a scientist bent on making a discovery, he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded.───他必須像一個專心致志進行探索的科學家那樣抱有這樣的希望,即終有一天,他的努力會取得豐碩的成果。
13 、Generosity that has been amply returned, I can assure you.─── 相信我 這份好心得到了她盡心的報答
14 、They were amply supplied with food.───他們有充足的食物供應。
15 、these voices were amply represented; we benefited richly.───他們的意見得到了充分的表達;我們受益很大。
16 、In my opinion, this movie had amply represented the effect of motherly and fatherly love on human, and it informed the world that there are still pure hearts and souls around!───我認為這部**充分展現(xiàn)了母愛與父愛對人的影響,以及告訴我們世界上仍然有純潔的心靈。
17 、He has been amply paid for his trouble .───他的辛勞已經(jīng)獲得很豐富的報酬。
18 、It has been amply demonstrated that the initiating radicals generated from CCl 4 are indeed CCl 3.───它有充分的證實表明,由CCl 4產(chǎn)生的引發(fā)自由基實際上是CCl 3。
19 、Secondly, the author amply designs taxation elements of one-man company in the light of taxation system of individual enterprise.───其次,參照現(xiàn)行的個人獨資企業(yè)稅制,對自然人一人公司的課稅要件進行了詳細地設計。
20 、the one was Ali, who, smiling with an expression of the most sincere joy, seemed amply repaid by a mere look from Monte Cristo───一個是阿里,臉上帶著最真誠的愉快的笑容,似乎只要基督山對他看一眼,他就覺得十分滿足了。
21 、Her face was a shade too long and narrow, but this shortcoming was amply compensated by an attractive mouth, a shapely chin-neither too pointed nor too round-and long,, wavy hair hanging loosely over her shoulders.───也是一張稍顯得狹長了些的臉龐,可是那十分可愛的紅嘴唇,不太尖也不太圓的下巴,以及那一頭燙成波浪形松松地齊到耳根的長頭發(fā),卻把臉龐的狹長“
22 、From his mother he had received only a slight mulatto tinge, amply compensated by its accompanying rich, dark eye.───從母親身上,他只繼承了一點混血兒的淺黑膚色,而他那雙作為陪襯的深黑色眼睛卻綽綽有余地彌補了這個微小的缺憾。
23 、And the general discontent with official corruption and political oppression was amply demonstrated in all regions of China in 1989.───人們對官員腐敗和政治沉悶的普遍不滿,于1989年在所有的地區(qū)都得到了充分的證明。
24 、I felt amply remunerated for all the extra hours I had worked.───我認為我的加班已得到足夠的報償。
25 、Charlotte assured her friend of her satisfaction in being useful, and that it amply repaid her for the little sacrifice of her time.───夏綠蒂說,能夠替朋友效勞,非常樂意,雖然花了一點時間,卻得到了很大快慰。
26 、History has amply proven that some failure for some people at certain times in their lives does indeed motivate them to strive even harder to succeed and to continue believing in themselves.───歷史已充分證明有些人在生命中某些時刻遭遇的失敗確實促使他們更努力奮斗,繼續(xù)深信自己,以求得成功。
27 、Amply discussed the reasons of aberration in glaze in the fields of produce and use taches both of pigment and glaze, et al.───從色料、色釉的生產(chǎn)及使用多方位對色釉產(chǎn)品表面色差產(chǎn)生的原因進行詳盡分析,并對色差的控制提出了指導性的建議。
28 、His efforts were amply rewarded.───他的努力得到了豐厚的回報。
29 、Its safety and mechanism need further amply study, though there is no any obvious side effect in the reported case.───盡管在本例患者中未見任何并發(fā)癥.但其安全性及作用機制仍有待進一步研究證實。
30 、This study tested these two hypotheses by studying the effect of different vibration conditions (vibration frequency, vibration ampl...───因此熒幕硬件與軟件之設計必須考慮到振動的影響。
31 、I`ll provide for you amply,you`ve plenty of grounds.───我會給你提供充足的供應,你已經(jīng)擁有了很多土地.
32 、The son, a steady respectable young man, was amply provided for by the fortune of his mother.───兒子是個沉著的、可尊敬的青年人,靠生母的那筆財產(chǎn)受到富裕的贍養(yǎng)。
33 、His own work amply fulfills this robust claim.───他自己的作品在很大程度上實現(xiàn)了這一正確主張。
34 、He must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded.───他必須抱有有朝一日能如愿以償?shù)南M?/p>
35 、They stopped under a clump of bananas, the fruit of which, as healthy as bread and as succulent as cream, was amply partaken of and appreciated───他們在一叢香蕉樹蔭下小憩片刻香蕉。跟面包一樣對人有好處,旅客們非常欣賞,他們還說香蕉跟奶酪一樣有營養(yǎng)呢。
36 、Her attire was a light, neatly-fitting but amply flowing dress of muslin───她穿著一件薄薄的,齊整合身的,相當瀟灑的麻紗衣服。
37 、Experiments with entangled pairs of particles have amply confirmed these quantum predictions, thus rendering local realistic theories untenable.───對處于量子糾纏態(tài)的一對粒子所進行的實驗已經(jīng)充分的證實了量子理論的預言,因此實在定域性假設是站不住腳的。
38 、I have the satisfaction of being amply rewarded for my efforts.───我為自己的努力得到充分的報償而感到高興。
39 、The above-mentioned two aspects comparatively amply show the contents of "Yun" as the Ci poetry aesthetic category.───上述兩個維面,將“韻”作為詞學審美范疇的內涵較為充分展現(xiàn)了出來。
40 、Legal challenges are a normal and expected phenomenon in the early years of the implementation of the Basic Law and demonstrate amply that the rule of law remains intact in Hong Kong.───在《基本法》實施初期,法律質疑是正常現(xiàn)象,也是意料中事,足以顯示香港的法治完好無損。
41 、I am amply supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.───我已經(jīng)充足,因我從以巴弗提受了你們的饋送,當作極美的香氣,為神所收納所喜悅的祭物。
42 、All of his sons have been amply portioned .───他的所有兒子都繼承到了豐厚的遺產(chǎn)。
43 、The latest election, they said, amply proved their point, with 12 parties winning seats in the 120-strong Knesset, Israel's parliament.───他們說,最近一次選舉就充分證明了他們的觀點,其中12個黨派在這次的以色列120強國會議會獲得了席位。
44 、trust amply in your support───十分信賴你們的支持
45 、From his mother he had received only a slight mulatto tinge, amply compensated by its accompanying rich, dark eye .───從母親身上,他只繼承了一點混血兒的淺黑膚色,而他那雙作為陪襯的深黑色眼睛卻綽綽有余地彌補了這個微小的缺憾。
46 、Oh, we are amply provisioned, for three years, and up to five with strict rationing.─── 我們已經(jīng)做好了充足準備 做好了三到五年的食物儲備
47 、The long-term benefits of this specialized care are amply demonstrated by the legendary longevity of our cars.───我們的汽車傳奇的使用壽命充分證明了這種專業(yè)化的養(yǎng)護所帶來的長期利益。
48 、You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement.───你到此使世界活得更廣泛,用更寬廣的視野,和用更優(yōu)質的希望的精神和成就。
49 、A punishment amply merited.───但這是他們應得的懲罰。
50 、During the frontier days it amply demonstrated its ability to monitor itself and ensure its survival.───在開拓邊疆的日子里,它充分表現(xiàn)出自己有能力監(jiān)護自己,并確保了自己的生活。
51 、tell amply───充分說明
52 、"Sire, your majesty will, I trust, be amply satisfied on this point at least."───“陛下,我相信陛下對此已經(jīng)滿意了。”
53 、You will be amply rewarded for your help.─── 你幫忙 我們會給你豐厚的獎賞
54 、You have known state,I mustn't to explain that amply.───你了解情況,我不需要再作詳細說明了。
55 、To me, his real worth was amply, if succinctly demonstrated in a mere moment back in January at the Staples Center.───對我來說,他真正的價值是非常豐富的。
56 、How easy this is to say when one is an overpaid "foreign hire" here on a two-year contract;those expats can't leave, but they are amply compensated for their loyalty.───一個報酬豐厚、合同期為2年的、從國外雇來的老外,說起這話是多么容易,這些老外是不跳槽,但他們的“忠誠”可以獲得極大的經(jīng)濟補償。
57 、The power of the Internet in identifying scientific fraud was amply demonstrated last year in the case of Woo Suk Hwang, the discredited South Korean cloning researcher.───互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的威力在確定科學的欺詐行為充分表明,去年,在案件黃禹錫,抹黑,韓國克隆研究。
58 、And amply demonstrated it's too much for one doctor.─── 你充分證明這對一個醫(yī)生來說太難了
59 、the delight of sitting amply sufficed .───坐下的喜悅已足夠了.
61 、He tell us the accident amply.───他詳細地把事故講給我們聽。
62 、In order to study the characteristic of this system amply and exactly, the writer designed experiment device and appropriative computer testing system.───為進一步詳細而準確地研究系統(tǒng)的特性,筆者設計了實驗裝置和專用微機測試系統(tǒng)。
63 、Measurements in the laboratory have amply confirmed the general predictions and form of the Volmer theory.───在實驗室里的測量充分證實了沃爾默理論的形式和這些一般的判斷。
64 、"A delay of the remittance of my school expenses from home has exposed me to a temporary embarrassment. The sum which would extricate me from this difficulty is not large, as 2,500 yuan would be amply sufficient. "───因家中所寄學費遲遲未到,現(xiàn)時甚為尷尬,然救急之數(shù)不多,2500元即足敷用
65 、His moral conduct is amply certificated.───他的品行有文件充分為證。
66 、The U.S. envoy said last week's intelligence briefings for members of Congress had been amply explained and that he had nothing to add on the subject.───希爾說,上星期提交給美國國會成員的簡報已經(jīng)作了充分解釋,他沒有任何要添加的內容。
67 、Mr Hu offered no hope of change in the country's political system, which as the rubber-stamp congress will amply demonstrate in the next few days remains as undemocratic as it was when he took over.───對于中國政治體系,胡沒有給與任何改變的希望。作為走過場的黨代會,在剩下的幾天里將充分證明仍與胡上任時一樣不民主。
68 、amply supported with funds───[經(jīng)] 資本充足
69 、Be assured you will be amply rewarded for your services to me.─── 我保證你們會得到豐厚的酬謝 作為你們?yōu)槲倚诘莫勝p
70 、7.He will be amply recompensed for his loyal support.───我忠心的支持將會得到充分的報答。
71 、Some cities are small but have a strong defense because they are amply provisioned.───城小而防守堅固,是因為正義在自己一方。
72 、An event as pivotal as this one should be amply equipped to penetrate the fog of time elapsed.─── 像這樣關鍵的事情 應該記得很清楚才對
73 、Besides, the paper talks amply about some other questions which including the disposal of rough rate, the method of calculation, the format of conservation difference, and high precision FVM.───另外,本文還對有限體積算法中的問題,如糙率的處理、求解方法、守恒型差分格式及高精度有限體積法等作了詳細討論;
74 、I will take care that my obligation to you shall be amply repay───我一定會加倍報答您對我的恩惠
75 、And I'll be amply rewarded in return .───我會有作為獎賞的充分的回報。
76 、But I have received everything in full and have an abundance;I am amply supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.───但我樣樣都有、并且有馀.我已經(jīng)充足、因我從以巴弗提受了你們的餽送、當作極美的香氣、為神所收納所喜悅的祭物。
77 、With examples of data-input ASP component, the components development of Visual Basic have been amply described and introduced into Web Application.───并以文件讀取ASP組件為例,對Visual Basic中組件的開發(fā)作了具體闡述,并應用于Web應用程序。
78 、You will be amply recomposed for your loyal support .───你的忠心的贊助會得到充分的酬謝。
79 、He made that point amply clear.───他把那一要點講得一清二楚。
80 、Success amply rewarded his efforts.───成功使他的努力得到充分的報償。
81 、AMPL Servo Amplifier───伺服放大器
82 、Ba Saier capital leads a principle to regard as amply compasses..───巴賽爾資本充足率原則作為規(guī)...
83 、On a large scale; amply.───大規(guī)模地;豐富地
84 、He has given abundantly to all the basic needs of life, not as a private possession, not restricted by law, not divided by boundaries, but as common to all, amply and in rich measure.───祂豐富地供應生命的基本需要,一切為公,沒有律法、沒有邊界去限制,供所有生物去享用。天主供應的都很豐富,不虞匱乏。
85 、He apologized amply for his error.───他因自己的過失而大為抱歉。
86 、One shares in what another has thought and felt and in so far, meagerly or amply, has his own attitude modified.───一個人分享別人所想到的和所感到的東西,他自己的態(tài)度也就或多或少有所改變。
87 、This was not at all common but such unethical if not fraudulent practices are amply provided for in the phrases of the most generally used and highly respectable code books.───如此不道德的事一點也不常發(fā)生,即使不算是詐欺的實踐,也被廣泛地提供給受重視且最常用的教科書當成范例。
1、protect amply 充分保護
2、protect automatically 自動地保護
3、protect dubiously 警戒
4、protect effectively 有效地保護
5、protect financially 經(jīng)濟上保護
protect 讀法 英 [pr?'tekt] 美 [pr?'tekt]
v. 保護;投保
1、He raised his arm to protect his child from hurt.
2、These gallant soldiers will protect our country.