
發(fā)布時間:2025-02-01 14:50:02



英:['s?m?tr?]  美:[?s?m?tr?]

英:  美:


n.對稱(性), 勻稱, 整齊


名詞復數: symmetries |


isotropy | harmony | correspondence | proportion | parallel | regularity |balance | equilibrium | compatibility | symmetricalness | evenness




1 、The human body has a symmetry that is basic to our sense of beauty.───人體的對稱性構成我們審美觀的基礎。

2 、Its intricacy, itsdesign, its symmetry, its conformity to itself and originality from all else are all a mystery.───它的繁復,它的圖案,它的對稱,它的自我一致和獨一無二都是一個謎。

3 、Perfect in symmetry, itsbeauty has never been surpassed.───他整齊勻稱、完美至極,從未有任何建筑比它更美。

4 、Concise, elegant, classical Symmetry integrated kitchen will comes to be an innovated fashion design.───對稱式整體廚房,將成為一種創(chuàng)新的流行設計。

5 、Having as many planes as required for complete symmetry in a given crystal system.───全面的,全對稱晶形的具有在給定的晶體系統(tǒng)中全面對稱的全部平面的

6 、In the meantime, it stresses on the symmetry and balance of stagecraft that is worthy of viewer's careful appreciation.───同時注意舞臺藝術之對稱及平衡,值得觀眾細細品味。

7 、We were making a lot of progress on our super symmetry theory.─── 在超對稱理論方面我們取得了很大的進步

8 、The rule of combination of symmetry operations is successive performance of them.───對稱操作的組合規(guī)則,是逐次地去運用它們。

9 、Of a source. Distribution of luminous intensity having an axis of symmetry or at least one plane of symmetry.───對光源而言,至少有一軸對稱或面對稱的光強分布。

10 、Lack of balance or symmetry.───不對稱缺乏平衡或對稱性

11 、The dynamical chiral symmetry breaking is the genuine effect of non-perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (NPQCD).───動力學手征自發(fā)對稱性破缺是非微擾QCD的獨特現象,用微擾的方法得不到解釋。

12 、Interfaces that don’t employ symmetry tend to look unbalanced, as if they are going to topple over to one side.───如果不對稱,界面會顯得失衡,好像搖搖欲墜倒向一邊。

13 、Another fundamental spacetime symmetry that could be violated is so-called CPT symmetry.───另一項可能受到違逆的基本時空對稱是CPT對稱。

14 、I'm a wacky clown. I don't need symmetry.─── 我扮的是恐怖小丑 我不需要對稱

15 、Something added for embellishment,completeness,or symmetry;complement.───伴隨物,補充物為了裝飾、完整或對稱而附加的東西;補充物

16 、It tests excellent in optical and symmetry *ysis.─── 光學檢測和對稱性分析 都表現得非常完美

17 、Having or marked by bilateral symmetry.───左右對稱的以或表現為左右對稱的

18 、Symmetry method is a modern method in seeking conservation. A form invariance is a new symmetry.───對稱性方法是尋求守恒量的近代方法,形式不變性是一種新的對稱性.

19 、What they did ask for was that we demand in negotiations the perfect symmetry.───他們要求的則是,在談判中要取得完全的對等。

20 、To form the parts of with balance or symmetry.───使平衡,使對稱形成帶有平衡或對稱的各部分

21 、He was not insensible to her rosy symmetry.───他不可能對她那艷麗的面孔視若無睹。

22 、Good order parameter can reflect the symmetry changes perfectly during phase transition.───好的序參量能很好地反映相變過程中對稱性的變化。

23 、In two symmetry fractional Fourier domains with two inverse rota...───實測數據表明本算法有效。

24 、The "hat" distinguishes symmetry operations from symmetry elements.───“帽號”用來將對稱操作與對稱元素區(qū)別開。

25 、If a magnetic field is switched on, the symmetry is broken.───如果加上磁場,就破壞了這種對稱性。

26 、Fix the wings on the fuselage with screws, check if they are symmetry for fuselage.───將機翼用螺釘固定在機身上,檢查機翼是否對稱于機身。

27 、There is little trouble in achieving balance when symmetry is used.───在保持勻稱與獲得平衡之間常有點小麻煩。

28 、Borrower of book - those mutilator of collections,spoiler of the symmetry of shelves,and creator of odd volume.───借書者--是為珍藏本的破壞者、書本排列次序的搗亂者、零星殘書的創(chuàng)造者。


30 、Two types of viral symmetry have been recognized, the cubical symmetry and helical symmetry .───已經證實病毒有兩種對稱型,即立體對稱和螺旋對稱。

31 、Symmetry is a useful tool in organizing interfaces from the standpoint of providing visual balance .───從視覺平衡的觀點來說,對稱是組織界面的一個有用工具。

32 、Symmetry Waveforms.Ideally, each human face is bilaterally symmetrical when viewed in either visual or IR imagery.───對稱波形技術在理想狀況下,無論是可見光圖像還是紅外圖像中每個人臉都是兩側對稱的。

33 、Next, inspect the neck including the sternomastoid muscles for symmetry, deformities or abnormal posture.───下一步,檢查包括胸鎖乳突肌肉的對稱性,畸形或異常的姿勢。

34 、Agreeable or harmonious relation of parts within a whole; balance or symmetry.───均稱,平衡整體中各部分之間協調或和諧的關系;平衡或對稱

35 、And fivefold, threefold and twofold axes of rotational symmetry.───五重,三重和兩重螺旋對稱軸。

36 、Unary minus provides symmetry with the unary plus, although it doesn't have any effect.───一元減號的含義與一元加號相反,雖然它實際并沒有任何效果。

37 、But it is in modern fundamental physics that we find the most subtle interplay between symmetry and asymmetry.───但是在現代基本物理,我們發(fā)現在對稱和非對稱之間有著最微妙的互相作用。

38 、Unary plus provides symmetry with unary minus, although it doesn't have any effect.───一元加號的含義與一元減號相反,雖然它實際并不做任何事情。

39 、Beds of iris were set out in perfect symmetry around a pool filled with water lilies.───大片大片的蔓蒲花非常對稱地長在開滿水仙花的池塘四周。

40 、A swollen cheek spoiled the symmetry of his handsome face.───一邊腫的面頰破壞了他英俊臉龐的對稱。

41 、In terms of paradigm symmetry, the relationship of fundamental civil rights and duties contains rich dialectics flavor.───從范式對稱的角度看,基本權利與基本義務的關系蘊涵豐富的辯證法色彩;

42 、"Deang flowers" women's skirts woven red, black and blue colors of the broad lines of symmetry.───“花德昂”婦女的裙子織有紅、黑、藍顏色的勻稱寬線條。

43 、Plywood is supposed a laminated panel made from orthotropic veneers in core symmetry of same thickness and quality .───將膠合板設定為等厚相同材質的各向異性單層所構成對稱于中面的層合板。

44 、The need to incorporate a staircase prevented perfect symmetry.───因為需要加進一個樓梯,就不可能完全對稱了。

45 、Pore size is the symmetry, whether a small crack.───孔的粗細是否勻稱,有無細小裂紋。

46 、Uh, I don't know about manners, but symmetry is more attractive.─── 禮不禮貌我不知道 但我比較喜歡對稱

47 、Which of the following plane figures have reflectional symmetry?───下列哪些平面圖形具有反射對稱性質?

48 、Value beauty and harmony. They are concerned with grade and symmetry, finding fulfillment in artistic experiences.───優(yōu)美及合諧的價值觀。關注層級及對稱性,以藝術的經驗來履行。

49 、The author be- lieves that symmetry constructions are of iconicity of subjective quantity with exaggeration.───對稱格式整體意義具有數量特征并含有夸張色彩,其認知基礎是對不確定的主觀量的臨摹。

50 、We just have to examine the symmetry of their hips.─── 我們只需要去檢查臀部的對稱性

51 、The same holds true for any molecule with a center of symmetry.───對任何有對稱中心的分子同樣是對的。

52 、Your body is given to symmetry, precision, regular rhythms.─── 你的身體適合對稱 精確 有規(guī)律的節(jié)奏

53 、The two heresies melded into a beautiful symmetry.───兩條異端的罪狀合并成一種美麗的對稱。

54 、Having no balance or symmetry.───不對稱的,不勻稱的失去平衡或對稱性的

55 、An imaginary line to which elements of a work of art, such as a picture, are referred for measurement or symmetry.───中軸線相對于某些要求測量或對稱的文藝作品的一條假想線,如繪畫

56 、You, on the other hand, are a prime example of symmetry.─── 而你 則是對稱美的典范

57 、A wall mirror in the painting area can stimulate the children's attention to natural symmetry.───在繪畫區(qū)域的一面墻竟能夠引起孩子們對自然對稱的注意。

58 、In this hotel, symmetry is a fundamental aesthetic.─── 這家酒店將對稱性作為審美基本準則

59 、Symmetry principle: is the requirement that people in similar situations be treated similarly.───對稱原則:是人們在類似的情況下必定類似處理的規(guī)則。

60 、Something added for embellishment, completeness, or symmetry; complement.───伴隨物,補充物為了裝飾、完整或對稱而附加的東西;補充物

61 、The sleek symmetry of falleen features makes them among the most beautiful of all humanoid species.───他們體形柔滑勻稱,是所有外星人中最美麗的的種族之一。

62 、She's the only one with facial symmetry that would appeal to him.─── 只有她的臉具有吸引他的對稱性

63 、The press started asking questions about facial symmetry.─── 媒體問了關于面部對稱性的問題

64 、A half of a symmetrical, approximately spherical object as divided by a plane of symmetry.───半球體一個對稱的、近似球體的物體的一半,如被對稱面分開者

65 、Surprisingly, women's symmetry varies throughout each month.───令人驚訝的是,女人的勻稱每一個月從頭到尾都會變化。

66 、In 1)bodily form, 2)symmetry is beauty.───在體型方面,對稱就是美。

67 、CABC is a plane of symmetry of the cellular structure.───CABC是這個格子結構的一個對稱面。

68 、Symmetry index normal value databank of each sector surfacc area was established on male and female noses.───初步建立男女外鼻各區(qū)域表面積對稱指數數據庫框架。

69 、A global symmetry is one that holds at all points of spacetime.───全面對稱性就是保持住時空內所有點的對稱性。

70 、Genetic mutations and environmental pressures skew symmetry, and the results have lifelong implications.───基因變異和環(huán)境壓力破壞了對稱,其結果意義深遠。

71 、By analyzing the symmetry of SG-III, we establish the system reliability model and provide methods to calculate it.───分析了裝置結構的對稱性,并利用其對稱性建立了系統(tǒng)可靠性模型,給出了系統(tǒng)可靠性的計算方法。

72 、If history does indeed rhyme, rather than simply repeat itself, it does so with remarkable symmetry in retailing.───如果歷史果真有它的發(fā)展節(jié)奏而不是簡單的重復,那么,零售業(yè)的發(fā)展確是勻稱的。

73 、For example, any violation of the expected symmetry between hydrogen and antihydrogen would rock physics to its core.───例如,任何違反氫和反氫之間對稱的期望會動搖物理學的核心。

74 、It proportion of symmetry, oval-shaped eyes and big God.───它比例勻稱,橢圓形的眼睛大而有神。

75 、Bilateral symmetry, for example, is almost universal among animals.───舉例來說左右對稱就幾乎普遍地存在動物世界。

76 、God made perfect things in symmetry.───上帝讓完美的東西有對稱性。

77 、Symmetry can also improve the efficiency of technology of mapping and equivalence testing.───使用對稱也可以提高映像技術和等價檢測的有效性.

78 、KEY WORDS: time and space translation symmetry; time reversal symmetry; conservation law; symmetry breaking.───關鍵詞:時間和空間平移對稱性;時間反演對稱性;守恒律;對稱破缺。

79 、Symmetry gives feelings order, solemn, orderly, harmonious beauty.───對稱給人感受秩序、莊重、整齊即和諧之美。

80 、Hadorwould traditionary symmetry encryption and publicity secret key mode band together, have two both the virtue.───將傳統(tǒng)的對稱性加密與公開密鑰方法結合起來,兼?zhèn)淞藘烧叩膬?yōu)點。

81 、Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a very obviously mixed on the surface of the hidden nature of the order.───對稱性自發(fā)破缺在一個顯然很混雜的表面隱藏了自然的秩序。

82 、His teeth spoiled the symmetry of his face.───他的牙齒破壞了他的面部勻稱。

83 、For clues of landscape, we make full use of symmetry axis layout using point line, facing into the King.───以景觀意境為線索,充分運用軸線對稱布局,采用點,線,面成景的方式。

84 、This addition may interfere with the symmetry of the building.───增建部分可能會有損這座建筑物的對稱。

85 、Capsids exhibit symmetry due to the regular arrangement of subunits called capsomers.───Capsid(衣殼):The protein covering of a virus's nucleic acid core.

86 、Using Curies′ s principle, we deduce that the order parameter is a three-rank complete symmetry polarization tensor.───從居里原理出發(fā),推知其序參量為三階全對稱的極張量。

87 、Symmetry and Asymmetry of the Asian and Australian Summer Monsoons.───亞洲和澳大利亞夏季風的對稱和非對稱。

88 、Both are esthetic and depend much on symmetry.───兩種活動都要求美感和勻稱性。

89 、You often need to model objects which exhibit some sort of symmetry.───你可能經常需要制作一些具有對稱特性的模型。

90 、A center of symmetry must coincide with the center of mass.───對稱中心必須與質量中心重合。

3D MAX對稱命令是哪個



做人物 只需要做一半臉 一半身子 一只手 一只腳就行了


建立BOX 化分段數 轉化為editable poly(可編輯多邊形)

選擇面編輯模式 刪除一半臉

退出面編輯 加一個Symmetry(對稱)命令 (3dmax 有很多對稱方法 我認為這個最完美)

現在可以編輯一邊臉 另一邊臉就不用管了

這種對稱看起來只是省了一半 其實省的太多了

回復補充:3D MAX里有很多對稱 鏡象的方法 比如鏡象關聯復制 修改器里的 Mirror(鏡子) 都可以達到你想要得功能 但不理想的地方如 編輯的時候不能看到全貌 光滑后兩半臉中間有凹陷等 3D版本的升級 肯定會引進更強更人性化的命令 Symmetry(對稱)的好處在于 編輯的時候可以看見全貌 而且不用管兩半臉之間的縫合 對稱和鏡象在字面上意思一樣 在3D MAX里只不過要起不同的名字來區(qū)分

line of symmetry是什么意思

一、line of symmetry意思:




A kite is a quadrilateral with one line of symmetry. 風箏是個有一條對稱線的四邊形。

Smooth curved arch of the main line, symmetry and light Fuzhao foursmall arch, as if the four giant Yuhuan, decorated in the fall of the deck.



a figure of line symmetry 軸對稱圖形

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