distractive 發(fā)音
英:[[d?s'tr?kt?v]] 美:[[d?'str?kt?v]]
英: 美:
distractive 中文意思翻譯
distractive 短語詞組
1、distractive meaning ─── 分心意義
2、distractive definition ─── 分心定義
3、distractive media ─── 分散注意力的媒體
4、distractive test ─── 分心測驗
5、distractive psychology ─── 分心心理學
6、distractive define ─── 分心定義
distractive 相似詞語短語
1、distracting ─── adj.分心的;分散注意力的;v.使分心(distract的ing形式);轉移注意力
2、distraction ─── n.注意力分散;消遣;心煩意亂
3、detractive ─── adj.誹謗的;減損的
4、abstractive ─── adj.摘要式的;具有抽象能力的
5、distractable ─── 分心的
6、distinctive ─── adj.獨特的,有特色的;與眾不同的
7、distractively ─── 分散注意力
8、diffractive ─── adj.衍射的;繞射的
9、distractible ─── adj.容易分心的;不專心的
distractive 常見例句(雙語使用場景)
1、Look, I'll find some way to distract her, and then you sneak out. ─── 聽著,我會找個法子分散她的注意力,你就偷偷溜出去。
2、So it engineered the ergonomics of the device to be easy to use and not to distract from running the press. ─── 因此,它的人體工程學設計的設備必須易于使用,而不是分散運行的新聞。
3、Be you trying to distract me? ─── 你是想為我解憂嗎?
4、Each tail piece wriggles to wholly confuse and distract an attacker. ─── 但是與其他的蜥蜴不同,玻璃蜥蜴的尾巴會逐段的散成碎片,每段碎片都在扭動,以迷惑攻擊者,分散其注意力。
5、We must not let cultural, racial, or social barriers distract us from the job that must be done. ─── 因而我們決不能讓文化、種族和社會的障礙使我們不能專心從事必須做的工作。
6、She jabbered away, trying to distract his attention. ─── 她喋喋不休,想分散他的注意力。
7、You must not talk to or distract the driver. ─── 切勿與司機談話,或分散他的注意力。
8、Don't distract my attention.I'm trying to study! ─── 別分散我的注意力--我正要學習呢!
9、At that time it seemed that anything could not distract him and displace the fact failure in the competition. ─── 在那個時候似乎任何事情也不能分散他的注意力也不能取代他在競賽中失利這一事實!
10、Close colleagues may want your job, and relationships with them may distract you. ─── 親密的朋友可能對你的位置虎視眈眈,而與他們的私人關系也會影響到你的判斷。
11、Summary of Background Data. The effects of graft size on compressive and distractive forces in cervical corpectomy remain unknown. ─── 植骨塊大小對頸前路椎體次全切的壓力與牽張力的作用尚不清楚。
12、Firmly push intruding thoughts away, as they begin, before they can gather strength and distract you. ─── 只要它們一出現,在它們可以積聚力量和轉移你的注意力之前,就堅決地趕走入侵的念頭。
13、The Kashgar officials said ETIM had planned a series of attacks to disrupt or distract from the Olympics. ─── 喀什官方說計劃在奧運會期間發(fā)起一系列襲擊以轉移人們對奧運會的關注。
14、as soon as reporter asked that the scandal I change the magic, is like this very easy distractive . ─── 記者一問緋聞我就變魔術,這樣很容易分散注意力。
15、She can't do it without dancing, we have to distract Kunkel. -Way ahead of you. You want paper cut, bit-my-tongue or a nosebleed? ─── 她不跳舞就不會做,我必須分散康克爾的注意力。-遠超過你。你想要割傷手、咬我的舌頭還是鼻子流血?
16、Nor was he able to fire stones at barrels to distract the patrolling guards. ─── 他也沒有辦法丟石頭來引走巡邏的警衛(wèi)。
17、Do you distract them at anytime? ─── 你隨時會分散?
18、"But we're not going to let the prospect of a lengthy legal battle distract us from our core mission. ─── “但是我們不想讓一場可預見的長時間法律戰(zhàn)分散我們在核心業(yè)務上的精力。
19、But women stay at home, alone with their grief, and there is nothing to distract them from it. ─── 但女人是呆在家里的,面對著愁傷無法分心。
20、He said he did not want anything to distract from South Africa's hosting of the World Cup. ─── 他說他不不想讓任何事情分散人們對于南非世界杯的注意力。
21、Expert suggestion: When you have feels, as far as possible concentrates yours feeling, but does not want distractive. ─── 專家建議:當你有感覺的時候,盡量專注于你的感覺,而不要分散注意力。
22、Health claims on the labels of junk foods distract consumers from their caloric content. ─── 在垃圾食物上標示健康宣稱,就會讓消費者分心,而忽略了熱量多寡。
23、When he arrived back, Tigress was cracking melon seeds to distract herself. ─── 回到家中,虎妞正在屋里嗑瓜子兒解悶呢。
24、She should go up and sit with Melanie and distract her mind from her coming ordeal but she did not feel equal to it. ─── 她理應上樓去陪伴媚蘭,設法緩和她的緊張情緒,讓她不要害怕面臨的這場考驗,可是她覺得自己沒有這個本領。
25、The audiogram of pure tone,of noise and of distractive energy are obtained. The measuring device is composed of simple apparatus in lab. ─── 利用實驗室現有的簡單設備組成實驗裝置,測定了正常的聽閾曲線、有噪聲干擾時的聽閾曲線、分散注意力時的聽閾曲線。
26、Don' t distract my attention. ─── 不要分散我的注意力。
27、But they can also distract the reader from your message if the pictures don't relate closely to the message. ─── 但如果圖片與郵件聯系不緊密,則會分散讀者的注意力。
28、In order to distract Xiao Bo from ET, Wen Wen masquerades herself as someone from Jupiter. ─── 為了轉移小博對ET的注意力,文文把自己裝扮成木星人。
29、In traditional Chinese culture, there exists the concept that games distract the mind from learning. ─── 傳統中華文化中有一種對游戲持負面看法的觀念,認為游戲是會干擾學習的。
30、Pictures are still important, but use sparingly. Pictures and animations that distract the viewer from reading the text are counter-productive. ─── 圖片雖然也很首要,但需要節(jié)儉應用。疏散涉獵者注意力的圖片以及動畫圖像會產生相反的作用。
31、Flowers around the head is also very distractive. ─── 頭頂背后有兩大片雜花,十分分散注意力。
32、The intention was to distract egg-laying females from furniture or structural wood. ─── 其目的是把產卵的雌蟲從家具或建筑木材中分離出來。
33、Don't let video games distract your attention. ─── 分散某人的注意力。
34、They suspect that in fact the murder was timed not to distract from military victories but to be drowned in a tide of nationalist enthusiasm. ─── 他們懷疑,事實上謀殺案定好了時間,并不是為了分散人們對于軍事勝利的注意力,而是為了將其淹沒在民族主義熱情的潮流中。
35、audiogram of pure tone, of noise and of distractive energy are obtained. The measuring device is composed of simple apparatus in lab. ─── 實驗室現有的簡單設備組成實驗裝置,測定了正常的聽閾曲線、有噪聲干擾時的聽閾曲線、 分散注意力時的聽閾曲線。
36、Attempt to distract her attention was all the warning she needed. ─── 他笨手笨腳地試圖引開她的注意力,可卻都成了她所需要的警示。
37、Several people talking at once distract a listener. ─── 幾個人同時講話會使聽者分散注意力。
38、The boomerangs, totem poles and other gifts lavished on the queen during her tours distract only briefly from the 60-year-old electrical system. ─── 在女王游行的過程中,道具燈,圖騰柱和其他“禮物”不斷的出現,使人可以暫時忽略掉已經60年之久的電力系統。
39、Do the things external which fall upon thee distract thee? Give thyself time to learn something new and good, and cease to be whirled around. ─── 你碰到的外部事物使你分心嗎?給出時間來學習新的和好的東西而停止兜圈子吧。
40、For example, an eye-catching presentation may look attractive, but could distract your attention from the important fundamentals of the system. ─── 例如,一個醒目的介紹可能看起來有吸引力的,但可以分散你的注意力從重要的基本制度。
41、They very easy to receive the extraneous factor the influence, but distractive. ─── 他們很容易受到外界因素的影響而分散注意力。
42、Pointing to something out the passenger window to distract his wife, he picked up the shoe and tossed it out of his window. ─── 在他太太把視線移向窗外時,他揀起鞋子把它從他那邊的窗口仍了出去。
43、You see, your prank was actually a ruse to distract Jerry while one of our boys swiped some documents from the Kommandant's office. ─── 你看,你的詭計得逞時,我們也有兄弟去Kommandant的辦公室準備要偷點文件。
44、Frank Lampard, who has known Bilic since their days in the West Ham squad, interprets these observations as an effort to distract England. ─── 作為在西漢姆時期的隊友,蘭帕德則認為這是在分散英格蘭隊員的注意力。
45、Good patter will distract the audience just long enough to keep it from guessing how you pull off the magic feats. ─── 好的“叫賣聲”可以分散觀眾的注意力,他就沒時間去猜測你的魔術到底是怎么變的。
46、Call the animals or distract them in any way and for whatever reason in the course or during the rounding up in the Bull Ring. ─── 吆喝動物或者用任何方式吸引它們以及在路程中或在斗牛場的回合中是不允許的,不管是任何理由。
47、Short-term price movements, its oil minister insists, should not distract from the world's enduring thirst for oil. ─── 其石油部長堅持說,短期價格變動不會對全世界支石油的持久渴求有所改變。
48、The constant haze and multihued lights in its spacious interior help distract from its faded edges. ─── 在這寬敞的房間里,在這眩目的燈光下,沒有人會注意到墻角和桌邊早已斑斑駁駁。
49、Don't distract me. ─── 不要使我分心。
50、Do you think I am trying to distract you from meditation? ─── 你以為我在試圖打擾你的靜心嗎?
51、Anterior plate fixation for cervical distractive flexion injuries: a biomechanical comparison of different types of design ─── 不同類型前路鋼板固定應用于頸椎屈曲牽張型損傷的生物力學研究
52、He played in Little while growing up in Delaware, partly to distract himself from a "horrible childhood" marked by his mother's dying of cancer. ─── 他在特拉華長大,當時他在少年棒球聯盟打球,這么做部分是為了讓自己遠離因母親死于癌癥而記憶深刻的"悲慘童年"。
53、Don't distract my attention I'm trying to study! ─── 別分散我的注意力--我正要學習呢!
54、Please turn the TV off, because the noises are so distractive that she was not able to concentrate on her homework. ─── 請把電視機關掉,因為噪音會使她分心,以至無法專心做家庭作業(yè)。
55、Treacherous computing is a plan to take away our freedom, while offering minor benefits to distract us from what we would lose. ─── 危險的計算是一個剝奪我們的自由的計劃,提供不成熟的利益把我們從我們失去的東西那里分離開來。
56、They very easy to receive the extraneous factor the influence, but distractive. ─── 他們很容易受到外界因素的影響而分散注意力。
57、She is also very fond of catnip, and will lose the will to fight if some is scattered to distract her. ─── 她會說人話,特別是式神狀態(tài)時,會使用妖術,看來很聰明。事實上只有附近人類的小孩程度的智慧。
58、You cannot make or receive a call during play because it will distract the players. ─── 在比賽過程中,你不能打或接收任何電話,因為那會分散比賽者的注意力。
59、He needs to concentrate. Don't distract his mind from his studies. ─── 他需要集中精力。別打攪他的學習。
60、He smoked an old sea wolf's pipe that he lit only for chess, and my grandfather said it was a trick to distract his opponent. ─── 他用一根老舊的海狼煙斗,只有下棋時才點上火;外祖父說他這是?;ㄕ?,要讓對手分心。
61、Nor does he want the issue to distract from bigger priorities. ─── 奧巴馬不希望這種小事情分散了對主要問題的關注。
62、Please turn off the TV because the noise will distract the children from their homework. ─── "請把電視機關掉,因為噪音會使孩子們分心,不能專心做作業(yè)。"
63、Don't distract my attention, I'm trying to study! ─── 別分散我的注意力,我正要學習呢!
64、Some TV programs are so tempting and distractive that a number of kids fail to study dedicatedly. ─── 有些電視節(jié)目是非常吸引人而令人分心的,以至于不少小孩很難專心學習。
65、To such a degree was his interest in literature that nothing could distract his mind from reading. ─── 他對文學的興趣到這樣的程度:什么東西都分散不了他讀書的注意力。
66、OK, here's the deal. I'll distract the guards during morning exercise while you sneak In and look for a key. ─── 好,我們做個交易。你們在晨間運動時間的時候溜進去找鑰匙,我來負責引開警衛(wèi)。
67、Don't let TV distract your attention. ─── 不要讓電視分散了你的注意力。
68、Noisy students have a distractive effect on those who want to study. ─── 喧嘩的學生封要讀書的學生發(fā)生擾亂的作用。
69、In order to distract themselves, they lay in the grass and looked up at the sky. ─── 為了要轉移注意力,他們躺在草地上仰望天空,不一會兒,佛列德便覺得好些了。
70、Once she gets involved in a research, nothing can distract her mind from it. ─── 她一旦潛心鉆研某一課題,任何事情都無法使她分心。
71、A statistically significant relationship was observed between distractive force required for graft insertion and immediate graft compressive force. ─── 在置入骨塊所需的牽張力與骨塊的即時壓力之間關系有顯著性差異。
72、Well, It's just north of the mess hall, over the fence. But If you want to get In you'll have to distract the guard. He's posted outside all day. ─── 喔,在餐廳大廳的北邊,過了籬笆就是了。你要進去的話要想辦法引開警衛(wèi)。他整天都守在那邊。
73、Let them experience what they are feeling without trying to distract, cheer them up, or rescue them. ─── 讓他們體驗他們的感受,不要設法去分散注意力、使他們振作、或挽救他們。
74、"One is to fuel xenophobia and to say the problem is someone else's, to distract the American public. ─── 她說:“一個理由是缺油恐懼癥,因此必須強調這是別人引起的問題,以轉移美國民眾的注意力。
75、Distract yourself with a movie or pamper yourself in some other relaxing way tonight. ─── 今晚就用電影分散注意力或在其他休閑方式中小縱容一下自己吧。
76、Nothing can distract him from doing the experiment. ─── 什么都不能使他從試驗中分心。
77、Don't distract me (from working). ─── 別擾亂我(工作)。
78、Oberon applies the juice to Titania in order to distract her and force her to give up the page-boy. ─── 他又邀請小女孩和他一起深呼吸大叫,他們沒有理會他人的目光,彷佛自己就是電影的主角一般。
79、As soon as he began to enjoy the food his bladder made him distractive. ─── 他剛剛開動,就讓膀胱攪得心緒不寧。
80、They distract themselves as a way of regulating their emotions such as fear of failure. ─── 他們把使自己分心看作是控制情緒的一種途徑,例如是減少失敗的恐懼。
81、Do not allow things of this life distract us from the things of the age to come. ─── 不要讓今生的事情攪擾我們去追求未來時代的事情。
82、Therefore, a good dustbin should be visible enough both in the daytime and night, while won't distract users' attention too much. ─── 因此,一個好的垃圾桶應該能在白天和夜晚都能輕松看見但不分散太多用戶的注意力。
83、On the 28th, issues with an authority figure distract you from romance. ─── 28日,與個權威人士傾談會使你從這段戀情中走出來。
84、Don't overdo the description of your interest and don't describe interests that might distract your job. ─── 千萬不要過分夸張的描述你的興趣愛好,特別是那些對你的工作毫無幫助甚至起反作用的愛好。
85、They don't steal the show entirely, but neither do they appear as distractive or annoying. ─── 他們不偷顯示完全,但他們似乎也不如分散注意力或討厭。
86、Don't let verbal taunts or quick movements distract you. ─── 別讓言語挑逗或快速升降分散你。
87、Don't let social activities distract you from your study. ─── 不要讓社會活動影響你的學習。
88、Are you trying to distract me ? ─── 你是想為我解憂嗎?
89、The marshals stood behind him, and did not venture to distract his attention. ─── 元帥們站在他身后,不敢分散他的注意力。